Incoming Disturbances

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Diluc constantly looked at you, still concerned about the conversation that had happened not too long ago. Although he wasn’t really good at understanding social cues or socializing in general, he had a feeling of suspicion that grew in him from what he had seen earlier. But, he decided not to push the topic any further since he trusted you. 

After spending some time with you, Diluc had grown considerably close to you and grew comfortable around you. He felt that if you were to disappear, it would leave some form of emptiness in him. Your existence in his life was something that he couldn’t fully wrap around his mind.

Your assistance in his work made him question how in the world he was able to complete everything alone. With you around him, to him, it felt as if nearly everything that he had done had become even easier.

“Shall we continue our walk around the city or would you like to go eat something at the tavern,” Diluc asked you. “I know we haven’t done much but it's getting pretty close to lunch time.”

“Sure,” you nodded. “Let’s go have some lunch first to fill us up first.”

Diluc stared at you thoughtfully before finally deciding to ask something. “Are you sure you’re fine with constantly helping me out? Don’t you have anything else to do?”

“Not really,” you shrugged. “Honestly, I’m just really thankful for you letting me stay at the winery. It’s the least I can do to help you. The place that I have been renting constantly drains my money so when you said that I could stay with you at the mansion, I was really grateful.”

“It’s no problem,” Diluc gave you one of his rare smiles. “Since you willingly help me out everyday, it’s the least that I can do.”

Diluc thought back to the day that you had first started helping him. After discovering his secret identity, he had needed your help when the Abyss Order had gotten quite close to Mondstadt. You had left to fight them in his stead. 

Ever since that moment, you had been his go to for help. At first, it started off as a battle partner to make things more efficient. Afterwards, it had turned into you learning some of the things going on within the Dawn Winery and then helping out with the paperwork because of curiosity. Finally, here the two of you were standing side by side as somewhat full-fledged partners.

Now that he thought about it, all of the things that you had helped him with had been of your own volition and he had never paid you anything for all the help that you had given him. Feeling guilty that it was only now he had realized it, he felt that he was deeply indebted to you.

“Is there anything that you want?” Diluc asked you out of the blue.

“Where is that coming from?” You wondered as the two of you made eye contact.

“I just realized that I haven’t done anything for you after all that you did to help and assist me. I apologize for my rudeness. The whole time that you stayed here has been to help me and my business and I didn’t even at least pay you.”

“It’s no problem,” you waved your hand to disagree with him. “It’s pretty fun and I was the one that barged into your work life. So this is the least I can do. And if it still worries you, I quite enjoy it.”

Diluc sighed and ruffled his hair, “Fine. But if you want or need anything, feel free to ask.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Soon enough, the two of you reached the tavern where you were greeted by the bartender who was in the moment of preparing a drink for one of the customers at the table. A blue haired man with an eyepatch turned his head back and made eye contact with you before smirking.

“If it isn’t the famous stoic Master Diluc and a pretty lady. Are you by any chance his girlfriend? I’m quite shocked that Diluc of all people would allow someone to walk by his side,” the man said.

“It’s none of your business Kaeya,” Diluc glared at the man he called Kaeya.

Ignoring the glares, Kaeya gave you a smile, “I’ve never seen you around Mondstadt. Are you perhaps here to visit Diluc as his secret lover?”

“N-not at all,” You stuttered as you could feel your cheeks heating up. “I’m just staying here in Mondstadt for the time being. I’m not anyone’s lover.”

“Are you sure about that?” Kaeya teased.

Suddenly out of nowhere, Diluc slammed the table counter with great force that got everyone's attention. Giving an even darker glare to the man who had been teasing you, Diluc muttered, "That's enough Kaeya. Don't anger me more than needed."

You could see sweat droplets forming on Kaeya's forehead as he gave a nervous smile. Although the anger wasn't directed to you, you could feel chills running down your spine from the dark aura that surrounded Diluc.

"Sorry," Kaeya turned to you apologetically before holding out his hand. "I'll introduce myself. I'm Kaeya. Calvary Captain of the Knights of Favonius. It's nice to meet you."

Wearing a forgiving smile, you shook his hand, "It's nice to meet you Mr. Kaeya. I'm y/n."

"Just call me Kaeya," he grinned. 

"That's enough from you," Diluc butted into the conversation. "Let's go and don't even think of bothering us Kaeya."

Before you and Diluc could leave to go to a table, the door flew open and there stood a brown haired lady wearing a purple witch hat with a lamp swinging at the tip. Huffing, she looked towards Kaeya with a face of great concern.

Walking up to Kaeya, she immediately pulled him with her and dragged him along to his dismay. 

"Lisa," Kaeya complained. "What's going on?"

Eyes scanning around the room, Lisa sighed and whispered something into Kaeya's ear. 

Immediately after Lisa had whispered something to Kaeya, he straightened his back and immediately started following Lisa with a serious look on his face. 

It was clear that there was something wrong and that something big had happened. The tavern had grown uncomfortably quiet because of the appearance of the brown haired lady and the disappearance of Kaeya.

Looking up at Diluc, it was clear that he was forming some plausible answers to what had just happened. You had a feeling that you would be deeply involved in this situation. 

And it wasn't a good feeling.

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