chapter 7

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I pull away from Kyle he reluctantly lets me go.I look him in the eye and guilt courses through my body .Kyle's eyes are brimming over with love.Kyle loves me but its Adrian that I love no matter how weird it maybe that I have fallen in love with my would be murderer.Kyle takes my hand and grips it tightly.

"What happened tonight Amber?"

I look away from him.How can I tell him that I made out with Adrian seconds before I kissed him.Kyle pulls my face back over to him.

"What happened?"

A sigh escapes my lips.

"Adrian kidnapped me ."

Kyle's body turns rigid.

"How you were wearing the necklace."

"He used a rope to hog tie me then he dragged me to his motorcycle.Then tied me tio his motorcycle then brought me here." I prayed hoping he wouldn't hear the lying tone in my mouth.

Kyle scans the room and spots the rope.He curses under his breath.

"An immortal charm defeated by a rope." He sneers.

"Hey don't be mad I don't think Immortals counted on a rope when they were designing the charm.They probably  were only focusing on Immortal dangers."

Kyle's body relaxed.Kyle looked over at me and his eyes tightened.

"If Adrian couldn't touch you  then he couldn't kill you.So why did he kidnap you?"

My body tightened I didn't want Kyle to know about Adrian.So I searched my mind for something that I haven't told Kyle that is related to Adrian.

"He told me about the Abyss."

Kyle's body tensed.

"Of course he would tell you to scare you.The Abyss doesn't exist its a scary story told in order to strike fear into little children like the boogie man."

A sigh of relief escapes my lips.Heaven is safe no one is going to take it over.

"is there anything else that Adrian told you?"Kyle is tense,alert,anxious,and frantic as he asks me that question.

My mind goes back to all the times that Adrian has tried to tell me something important but we were always cut off.The dream of Adrian and Kyle flashes through my mind.Adrian's wings were white in that dream that means that happened before he fell from heaven.Another image flashes through my mind Adrian jumping out of my window he shouts "I've waited a year for my revenge I can wait a little longer." over his shoulder.The accident happened a year ago and Adrian has waited a year for his revenge.I stifle the gasp that escapes my lips.The reason Adrian fell from heaven is related to the car accident.

Kyle gathers me in his arms.

"Its alright its just a story."

Kyle comforts me but as soon as I'm calm he releases me.He gently places a hand on my cheek

"I have to go before your aunt finds me."

I walk him to the door.Kyle leans in for a kiss.I avoid his lips and give him a kiss on his cheek.Kyle's face falls but he shrugs it off.He leaves and I shut the door.

              My body is trembling and my heart is racing.Kyle's words echo through my mijnd "My wings are turned black and I'm cast out of heaven for allowing you to die under my watch." Adrian has fallen does that mean he was my parents guardian angel and he let them die under his watch.If that did happen then why would he want revenge on Kyle if it was his fault.Unless It was Kyle's fault that my parents died and Adrian was given the blame. My heart is racing and my body is rigid.i touch my lips and I rush to the bathroom.I spew the contents of my stomach.I had kissed my parents killer.I brush my teeth afterward but I still feel sick even though my stomach is hollow.

I head upstairs I get ready for bed.i lay on my bed and my head is throbbing.There is a knock on my window.I get up and head toward the window.

I see..........................

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