Harry imagine

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"Come on babe."
You yelled pulling Harry's arm into a spa/ nail place. He was carrying all your shopping bags.
"I better get something out of all this Ms.y/l/n."
"You will that's why we stopped at Vitoria secret and we need to stop my cvs for some *cough condoms *cough."
You didn't want it to be oviy on what you where saying but you Wanted Harry to Understand it. He picked
It up pretty quick.
"Oh ok I got you."
After your spa afternoon and your nail appointment you made your way home.
"Y/n , baby?"
"Did you have to force me to get my eyebrows done it hurts?"
"Well no I didn't force you I manipulated you. And I just wanted you too experience the girl effect."
"Well it hurt."
"Quite winning Harry just e hoot I didn't make you get your balls waxed."
I laughed at the thought of that and Harry stopped at a red light and looked at me with a scared face.
"You wouldn't do that."
"Would to babe."
You laughed at your silly boyfriend.
"Calm down babe."
When you got Home Harry crashed spoiling your plans and than you did soon after. But the next day you two spent the next day just fucking around.

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