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Landon is walking in the woods. Suddenly he hears growling from behind him. He turns to try and see what it was. He sees a grey wolf with golden eyes walking towards him. e starts to back away when the wolf suddenly starts to chase him. He turns around and runs. The wolf still chasing him.

"Are you crazy?!" She asks angry. "I almost Killed you!"

"Well she looks pissed." States Stefan.

"I would be too, if I'm being honest." says Damon.


Landon is staring at a knife in a glass case. He was about to open it when he heard a voice.

"Don't touch that." States Hope as Landon turns to look at her.

"Sorry. I didn't. I-I mean, I wasn't..." He stutters then looks around. "where are we?" He asks.

"Uh, the Stefan Salvatore memorial Library. All the artifacts in here have a supernatural history." Explains Hope. As she walks towards him.

"What's the story on this one?" He asks pointing to the knife he was looking at.

"No idea," She states, "but in my experience, your safest bet is to not touch it." She smiles at him.

He nods at her words. "Noted."

"I'm sorry about earlier." She apologizes. "You shouldn't have been out there."

"Yeah." He agrees. "I'll file that under the things that seem really obvious after the fact. So I guess this means you're a werewolf. He said casually."

"I'm a lot of things." She states.

"Yeah, what the hell is she?" Asks Damon.

"Well she's the daughter of a hybrid and a werewolf, and the descendant of a witch. So I think she's all three." States Bonnie.

All the Mikaelsons stay silent some in shock at how fast Bonnie figured it out, and some not wanting to say if she is right or wrong.

"Care to elaborate." He asks.

She shakes her head. "They're just gonna make you forget tomorrow." She argues.

"Come on. Humor me." He states. She smiles at him.


In the kitchen Mg is looking through the cabinets for something, while Penelope was sitting on the counter with her legs crossed.

"This isn't much of an after party, Penelope. There aren't any snacks. I need food." He states, as he closes the cabinets. "I got the munchies." He begins to walk away, when Penelope puts her foot in front of him, stopping him from walking any further.

"I can help you with that." She states. She then pulls all her hair to one side of her head, showing her bare neck.

"Oh. we'll get in trouble." He states.

"I know." she pushes, as Mg walks to the table by the fire-place.

"She gives me Katherine vibes." Damon and Stefan state at the same time.

"Seriously?" She asks shocked. "I'm offering to rock your world right now."

"Okay, well, for one, we're not supposed to. For two, last time I checked, you were more into girls, and for three-" She cuts him off.

"No one asked you to bring math into this conversation." She states.

"You know what I mean." He says kind of scared.

She rolls her eyes, and gets off the counter. "For one, rules are meant to be broken. For two, I am equal opportunity evil temptress, and your binary assumptions about my sexuality...they're dated." walking closer to him with every word until their faces were inches apart.

She slowly starts to kiss him, and then pulls away. "And for three... I don't really care what your three was, but are you gonna suck me dry... or not?" She asks moving her hair to the left side of her head, showing her neck once again.

Mg looks at her for a minute then leans in a kisses her harshly. He quickly moves down to her neck. Right when he's about to bite he hears a voice.

"Mg?" a voice asks, and when Penelope and Mg turn their head they see Josie, and Lexi. Josie looked upset and shocked. While Lexi looked angry. Josie quickly walks out, leaving Mg guilty.

Penelope then smirks and walk the other way. Lexi goes to follow her but Mg grabs her arm.

"I am so sorr-" He starts but then he feels a pain on his cheek. He looks back at Lexi as she had just slapped him.

"Thank you!" Screams Caroline at the screen.

"He definitely deserved that." agrees Hayley.

The veins under her eyes start to show, as her eyes turn dark. "I am not the one you should be apologizing to." She shoots at him and then walks away. And goes to find Penelope.



This is a pretty short chapter. I promise the next on will me longer. In the next chapter when Hope explain to Landon what she is, she will also explain some thing about Lexi. How she turned. What she is. Her past. How they became friends. And how she feels about her mother Caroline leaving her with Damon and Elena after her fathers death.

Also tell me if you guys would like me to add anything in future chapters.

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