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The screen shows the school gates outside. Birds are chirping and the grass is being mowed.

Outside some students from Mystic Falls High are spray-painting the Salvatore schools van.

Voice over: (Hope) "No legacy is so rich as honesty." When Shakespeare wrote that, he obviously didn't know what I known about teenage boys. I mean, I know there are guys with integrity, who lead with truth. I've just never met any of them."

"She's got a point. Good guys are hard to find." States Caroline.

Stefan just looks at her. "Thank you Caroline." He says sarcastically to his wife.

"Yeah, says the married one." Laughs Tyler.

"I didn't mean you Stefan. And Tyler please shut up ." She groans.

Hope and Lexi are in the counselors office sitting down. Their counselor across from them.

"I see you've decided to double down on your nihilism this morning girls." States Emma.

"We're trying to be rich with honesty." Argues Lexi.

Emma nods at her. "Start from the beginning."

"About our short-lived but horrific friendships with liars?" Asks Hope.

"Of your decision to preform black magic on school grounds last night." Shoots Emma.

Lexi and Hope sit up straighter. "Maybe we could table this until we catch the guy we were trying to find by using black magic."
Lexi nods. "Because the longer that Landon Kirby is out there, the greater the chance he tells people about this school and the kind of people we have hidden behind the gates."

"You two know there's a beacon that alerts me when someone's using. You knew you would be caught." Emma states.

"My coven used dark magic. It is in my nature. I'm not gonna stop using dark magic just because our too human of a headmaster can't handle it. I-" started Lexi.

"Lexi-" Emma tries to cut in, but just gets shut down.

"No! I know what I'm doing, and Hope knows what she's doing. We aren't using dark magic to hurt anyone, we're using it to keep ourselves and this school safe." She finished. Lexi then gets up and storms out of the room.

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