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Ric was on the phone with Dorian, whilst Lexi was trying to heal Lizzie with magic. And to say that she was pissed would be an understatement. None of the healing spells were working, not ones that she created or ones that she learned.

"Tell me what you know about gargoyles." Ric demanded on the phone.

"Did you say 'gargoyles"? Asked Dorian.

"Okay, uh, search mid evil French folklore. Look for 'The Legend of the Gargoyle Petrotho.' If I'm right, I think he's poisoned Lizzie with some sort of actual grayscale. She's paralyzed. What if it spread to her heart?" Ric says, worry lacing his voice.

"I'm on it." Replies Dorian.

Ric ends the phone call and turn to look at where Lizzie was laying with Lexi trying to help her.


Hope and Josie were picking up trash off the grass. Josie throws her third full bag and goes to open another one.

Hope looks back at her. "You have a future in waste management." She then turns back to pick up trash in front of her.

"That's rude." Elena states.

Damon sitting next to her just shrugs. "Well, she seems to be good at it."

"Cleaning up messes is kind of my thing." Josie shrugs.

Hope huffs out a laugh. "Well, your sister is kind of a dumpster fire." She picks up an empty paper cup and puts it into her trash bag.

Josie stops what she's doing. "Why do you always pick fights?" Hope turn to her confused. "We've known each other a decade and any time you have the chance, you poke." She starts to pick trash again.

"You guys do you fair share of poking." Hope shrugs.

"Yeah, in retaliation to your pokes. And with you spending so much time with my dad and my sister and keeping secrets..."

"We're not keeping secrets." Hope answers.

"Mhm." Kol hums.

Next to him Davina rolls her eyes. "You know they can't hear you, right?"

"Oh, yeah? What happened when you went to go find Landon Kirby?" Josie asks.

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