Chapter 14 Nivea

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Today, I am running late for Mrs. Robins, and I assume she will be understanding, but I am certain she will also be on time. I am doing my best to get to the shop, but of course, as Florida does in all its glory, we have severe rain and thunderstorms. I never seem to function quite as well when it rains. I am always more tired and can't seem to get up. Today is extra bad being that I started my period last night; it just adds gasoline to the fire. On my way to work, I decided to stop and get a Red Bull from the gas station. At this point, I just need a pick-me-up.

I pull into my usual parking spot and grab my umbrella to keep from looking like a wet mop all day! As I am running across the parking lot, I spot Mrs. Robins's car and head towards it to help her out. To my surprise, she is on the passenger side. I approach the car, and she opens the door, and OH MY GOD, it's her! I couldn't believe it! I stood in shock for what must have been longer than I realized because Mrs. Robins asked me if I was okay. "Oh, yes, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had someone bringing you in today." She smiled and looked over at her driver, "Yes, let me introduce you to my granddaughter Jessica. She is from Miami, and now she lives up here with me. I was hoping you could do her hair too." I was stunned. How could this trashy thing be related to Mrs. Robins! Not my Mrs. Robins! Not Jessica The Realist who was dating Josh the asshole! The one who dated my best friend and broke her heart! No, this was not happening! How could this be happening? "Of course, Mrs. Robins, I would love to do your granddaughter's hair. Hi, Jessica. I'm Nivea, so nice to meet you." In my head, those words sounded much different. They went more like, "You whore I am going to shave your head and throat punch you till you can't stand up!" I am glad now they didn't come out like that because that would have been bad, and I do have a reputation for not holding my tongue. I'm sure my face gave it all away, but I decided to play it cool because today I was going to play investigator! I was going to get all the 411 I could and pretend I was clueless as to who Josh was and who she was. I mean, I did always want to be an actress, so this was my chance at my first academy award.

"Hi, Nivea, it's nice to meet you too," Jessica replied.

Inside the shop, I am shaking a little, and I blame it on my nerves and the added caffeine from my Red Bull, but I am eager to get started. I begin first with Mrs. Robins and move as fast as I can without making it obvious that I am ready to throw her under the hood dryer where she can't hear a word I am saying to her precious Jessica!

"Okay, Jessica, I am ready for you. Please come over and have a seat. Tell me what you are thinking you want to get done."

"I was hoping to get my hair like this picture on my phone. It's not a recent picture, but it's a photo of what I used to look like, and I loved my hair back then." When I took the phone from her, I couldn't believe this was the same person. Being me, I am so quick to speak without thinking, but the astonishment was all over my face. When I finally looked up at her to compare the photos, she was staring at me with the most terrified face! I was a bit taken aback. It was almost as if she was embarrassed this was her. I would've been proud this was me! She looked amazing in this picture. She was posing in a white dress at a bar, I presume in Miami. Her dress was short and sparkly, and she had these red heels on that looked expensive, and I wondered how she could afford them. Her face was flawless with gorgeous makeup, and her smile was beautiful. It was almost overly good to be true. Her hair was a gorgeous platinum blonde and had a few low lights of caramel. I thought to myself, "Well, Niv, we can do makeovers, but we can't perform miracles." But I am glad that part didn't reach my tongue and stayed in my head. I looked at Jessica and handed her phone back.

"You know what? I can get you really close to this look, but maybe not exactly this look in one appointment. If I am being honest, it will be a long process, and I am willing to do it if you have the time." This is my job, my livelyhood, so for as much as I might want to ruin her hair right now to make her ugly so Josh won't like her anymore, I can't. I have to make this money and keep my reputation. This is about business, not Kayla and her affairs. Besides, she just decided she is moving on in life and has become a new person. I am sure she is going to be just fine with me making her ex-boyfriend's new chick a stunning eight out of ten.

Once I've mixed up the bleach and color and applied it to her hair, it was time to brush out Mrs. Robins, who had decided to nap while under the hood dryer. Mrs. Robins was up front sitting by Jessica. I knew I had lost my opportunity to gain any details, but I was okay with that since I wanted to get paid and not lose a client. I didn't harass Jessica during her color process because she was very timid and quiet. I felt like I was working on a doll no one wanted because it wasn't pretty anymore. I sat down to join the two of them and began talking with Mrs. Robins.

"So, any plans for you and Jessica for this summer? You must love having the company."

"You know what, sweetheart? Jessica moved up because she was badly mistreated by my son. She had a great life and was raised by her single mother, who did an excellent job taking care of her. Unfortunately, my son, who never did get himself together, was released from prison only to fight for his daughter. The courts in Miami agreed she needed to have her father in her life. Baby, you know what? He may be my son, but he was abusive as hell. He beat Jessica and stopped taking care of her like her mother did. He was nothing shy of horrific. The things this poor child went through are unforgivable and inconceivable. Listen here, sweet pea, I flew to Florida and took her from him. There was no way I was going to let this go on, and had I known sooner, I would have saved her from his wrath. I can't change what happened, but I am going to do my darndest to help her cope now with life. She is doing better each day. Isn't that right, Jess? Mee-maw is super proud of you." I was sitting there, not able to speak. Here, Kayla and I were judging this girl and calling her trash when in reality, she wasn't. She had a mother who loved her and took excellent care of her. She was in an affluent area and looked like she came from money in her picture. It broke my heart to think her whole world was turned upside down because, yet again, the courts didn't think a failing father should be kept from his daughter. He took her light and her soul piece by piece. She had a fear about her that spoke volumes about what she must have been through. Her quiet, shy demeanor and how she stayed looking at the floor and felt self-conscious about any and everything you mentioned pertaining to her looks. I actually felt like shit. I really needed to stop judging people based on appearances. I should have given her and Josh the benefit of the doubt! Oh my gosh, Josh! He's such a jerk! He's going to ruin this girl. Break what little is left of her! How do I bring this up? How do I tell her he is not a good guy without telling her he is not a good guy? I have to say something. I have to. I am just going to come out with it. No beating around the bush!

"Jessica, I am friends with Josh on Facebook, and I saw he posted a pic of you recently stating that the two of you are dating. How did you meet? I've known Josh forever, and he's not the best guy. I just want you to be careful."

"I met Josh at a conference for abused victims. I guess he never talked about his issues with anyone before. No one from his hometown even knew he was so angry inside from what he was experiencing. When we met, it was like I finally had someone who understood my pain, and he felt the same way. He's my best friend and everything I need in my life right now to make it whole. He told me when I was coming here that you knew him. He told me you might not be supportive of us because he dated your best friend prior to getting help. I know recently he reached out to her to say sorry. It's part of the program. We have to make amend with those we hurt from our own suffering we did in silence. I hope she can forgive him. He's not that guy, I promise." Who was she talking to like this? I know what type of guy he is, but abused? Josh? By whom? I was so lost in this story and shocked by what she was telling me I almost laughed. I had to bite my cheeks to hold back the laughter, but that's another issue. Was she really buying into this? Josh abused? The white preppy boy who came from money and was successful before graduating high school. The same Josh who spoiled my friend with lavish gifts and lies. The same Josh whose parents never missed a game or ceremony and screamed his name from the bleachers, so everyone knew that was their pride and joy. I didn't know what to say! "Oh, wow, I am so sorry, Jessica, for all the pain you endured, and I am glad you have someone like Josh to help you through it. I really hope for your sake you are right, and he has changed. Like I said, just be careful."

After I finished with Mrs. Robins and Jessica, I took a second to text Kay before my next client. "Kay Kay, we need to talk! Text me when you are off. I will come by." First, I need to know if Josh apologized, and second, I need to tell her Jessica is Mrs. Robins's granddaughter. I can't believe he has come up with such an elaborate scheme as to claim he was abused. Man, his game is getting better. Playing girls on a new level. I mean, a part of me is actually impressed. I should've given him more credit back in the day. 

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