Written In The Stars

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(Takes place on the last night after the island trip)

A silent sigh escaped Nagisa as his eyes watched the starry night sky above him. Something drove him to go out that night, just to watch the night sky. Maybe it was because it reminded him of someone or because he needed some peace of mind.

Despite the bitter cold biting at his skin and his breath turned into small puffs of clouds. Nagisa couldn't care less.

The light of a billion dead stars on a dark endless ocean filled with galaxies and other universes. Something about the sight made him happy.
Nagisa could forget the world. At least in that moment, as the stars danced above him.

A loud sneeze escaped Nagisa after a while. He grumbled a little as he rubbed his nose. The cold was bitter and biting. It made every breath sharp and icy.

"You'll catch a cold..." A voice said. Nagisa jumped and looked behind him. Karma stood a few feet away, watching him. Nagisa let out a sigh, before he smiled at him.
"Ah. I guess so. I just... felt like watching the stars... So much has been going on. I just..." Nagisa said, he watched Karma approach him. A faint smile on his lips.

"You wanted to soak in the moment and forget everything for now ... I get it." Karma said, his voice calm and steady. He stopped beside Nagisa . His eyes gazed the view Nagisa had been watching for a while.
The smile on Nagisa's lips grew as he turned his gaze back to the sky.

"I... Uhm.." Nagisa mumbled, his words got caught in his throat. His cheeks turned a red hue as he kept his eyes on the night sky. With some hesitation, Nagisa reached his hand toward Karma's , his hand traced over the other boy's hand. Nagisa gulped, the nervousness was getting to him, his eyes shifted to look at his face. He jolted a little when his eyes made contact with Karma's mercury eyes.

"A-Ah. Sorry..." Nagisa said, his voice nervous. He pulled back his hand, but jumped a little when it was grabbed. Karma smirked a little as he entangled their hands. Fingers laced together. A perfect fit.

"It's ok... You're cold, aren't you?" Karma asked. His eyes watched Nagisa . The blush on his cheeks now deep red. Nagisa nodded, too unsure if his voice would break or not if he replied.

Karma  gave him a comforting smile. It wasn't a big smile, but enough to make Nagisa's heart beat faster. Karma pulled the smaller boy toward him, pulled him into a gentle embrace. Nagisa smiled even more, he wrapped his arms around Karma's torso, enjoying the warmth emitting from the other.

After a few minutes of standing there, Karma pulled back a little. His hand brushed against Nagisa cheek. Nagisa leaned into his hand once it stopped and firmly held his cheek.

Nagisa  glanced up at Karma. Their eyes locked. Karma leaned down, his eyes still locked with Nagisa's . He brushed his lips over Nagisa's, scared he might get pushed away.
Startled at first, Nagisa took a moment to collect himself, before he returned the kiss. Both couldn't hold back their smiles. Nagisa wrapped his arms around Karma's neck as Karma pulled him closer.

The cold Nagisa felt a few minutes ago now forgotten as they stood there. Their moment watched by the stars.

Nagisa  broke the kiss, his forehead leaned up against Karma .
"Maybe... We'll be written in the stars one day..." Nagisa said, his eyes locked with Karma's . The light of the stars reflected in Karma's eyes.

"Yeah... I hope so." Karma replied. A smile grew on his lips as he pulled Nagisa in for another kiss.

𝕂𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕤𝕒 𝕆𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤Where stories live. Discover now