𝟶𝟽|𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝙵𝚎𝚜𝚝

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Chapter Five

Blood Fest


I shot up out of my sleep head-butting whoever was standing above me, my best guess would be Ricky. "Ow! Fuck dude, I was just trying to wake you up. Damn." I peeled open my eyes to see Ricky sitting in the floor rubbing his forehead.

"My bad, forgot to set my alarms." I stretched out my sore limbs from being cramped up on the couch all night. "What time is it?"

"8:30. We have to leave in thirty minutes. Do what you have to do, we have an acoustic set at noon at the merch table. If we don't leave by nine, we're not getting there in time." Ricky grumbled as he stood up. "I'll be in the kitchen." He walked off mumbling a few curse words under his breath.


Riding in cars is my favorite pass time, I love anything to do with cars. I never really understood why but being in the car cleared my head of all the stressors in my life at that moment. It was the only reason why I agreed to come to this festival in the first place. I wasn't really a fan of the certain music genre that would be there, but the guys were obsessed with a few of the bands. They bribed me into going with car rides and free food, can't blame me for accepting.

"Have you looked at the schedule yet, Ali?" Mike asked from my right. I shook my head, because in all honesty, I didn't care what we did as long as I get what was promised to me. They'll be hell to pay if I get ripped off. From the corner of my eye, I seen Mike pull out his phone and pull up the schedule. "Here." He handed me his phone. "We want to make sure you get to do what you want. If there is anything."

"You know as long as I get my food, I don't care what you guys do." I said looking over the schedule. Nothing really jumped out at me. It was just a list of a bunch of bands I didn't know and their set times. I handed him the phone back and leaned my elbows on my knees. I was squished between an over excited Mike and a sleeping Colby in the backseat. The worst part? I didn't get a window seat, which is my favorite, because I was the smallest. A freaking three-hour drive and I was stuck in the middle seat.


I parked the car at the back of the park that was being occupied by popup stages and hundreds of canopies. "Everyone's already set up at the merch table." Ricky informed me as we climbed out of the car.

"Were we ever sent the set list for either?" I asked sliding my sunglasses on.

"Yeah, like two weeks ago. Do you not check your emails?" Ricky asked as we fell into step towards the merch table.

"If you haven't notice, I've been kinda busy." I said weaving my way through the crowded grounds. "But let's keep that between us, yeah? Nobody else has got to know about our extracurricular activities."

"So, what? Everyone is just supposed to believe that your wife dying made you magically uproot your life and become an English professor at a small town college?" Sarcasm was practically dripping from his tongue.

"So, what? Everyone's just supposed to believe you dropped off the face of the earth after the band split. That's believable, considering." I shot back as we neared the table, seeing there were already a hoard of people sitting around waiting for us.

"Touché." Ricky said as we stepped under the tent.


My legs were aching and I'm pretty sure there were blisters forming on my ankles already. We've been here for about five hours and it was only four in the afternoon. I honestly just want to go home and eat my weight in pizza. It's hot and I don't particularly like being hot, especially when I'm surrounded by thousands of people who are also hot and sweaty.

"Hate to be that bitch, but how much longer are we going to be here?" I asked as we rounded a corner to find some shade.

"Suck it up, Buttercup. We're staying until this shit is over. Getting my hundred dollars' worth." Colby said leaning against the brick wall of the public bathrooms, which was currently our only source of shade. I groaned sitting in the grass and tugging my boots off. "Told you not to wear those."

"Yeah, well I didn't have much time to change before we left." I rolled my eyes as I massaged my sore feet. "What are we doing next, and do I have to participate?"

"I think we're just gonna walk around some and check out the merch. You're more than welcome to sit here until the bigger bands start playing in the amphitheater, we'll come get you." Mike explained from where he leaned next to Colby. "It shouldn't be that long." I nodded, watching as everyone passed by not giving us a second glance.

"We should probably get to that if we want to get good seats later." Zach said from somewhere behind me. I heard the others agree and then left with quick 'see yah later's and a kiss from Mike.

Once they left, I scooted myself back against the wall and stretched my legs out. Leaning my head back, earned me a beam of light straight to the face courtesy of the sun. I groaned but didn't budge. I had zero energy left.

I sat like that for a solid fifteen minutes, before the light was blocked from view. Peeking out of one eye, I seen the familiar faces of two people and three strangers. Opening them fully, I realized that it was Mr. Charnas and Mr. Armellio standing before me. "Alilaleigh, why're you sitting by yourself?" Mr. Armellio asked first.

"Because I'm hot and tired." I said in a monotone voice causing Spencer to raise an eyebrow at me. "I really don't want to be here." I added.

"Then why are you here?" Spencer asked staring down at me, like my answer was his only source of oxygen.

"I was promised food and car rides. So, far I've only one of those things." They all looked amused by my answer. "The food here is awful, by the way." I added.

"We're getting ready to go eat, if you want to join us." Spencer said earning a look from Ricky.

"I just said the food sucks."

"Bands get catering." Before I had the chance to reply a girl strolled up beside of the group and got their attention asking for a photo. They agreed and was occupied with talking to her while I slid my shoes back on. When I stood up they were finished talking to the girl.

"Weren't lying about the band thing, were you?" I asked eye each other them.

"No, I was not. Come on." Spencer motioned for me to follow them as they went weaved their way through the crowd.

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