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Chapter Seven



"Now, where were we?" Spencer took a seat on the edge of my bed and stretched his legs out. "Ah yes, the 'your lucky night' speech. So, here's the thing, I know that you are kind of scared right now." He crosses his arms over his chest. "I had a long day; you've had a long day. You're tired, I'm tired, so let's move this along. You can come with us willingly or I'll use force, which won't be pleasant for either of us. What do yah say? Follow me out?" He stood up and held a hand out for me to take. I could tell he noticed my hesitation. "I'll let you ask as many questions as you want in the car, and we'll be one-hundred precent truthful."

"How do I know you're not going to kill when you get me in the car?" I asked narrowing my eyes on him.

"You don't know and there's nothing I can say that'll ease that thought. So, why don't you just trust me?" He took his hand back and recrossed them over his chest. Clearly starting to get aggravated.

"Trust you? How can I do that when you broke into my secured home?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest, glaring at him.

"Okay, good point." He let out a breath before continuing. "Listen this is my first time having someone so," he paused trying to think of what to say next. "Innocent. My last partner was already psychotic when I met her, so it was easier."

I stared at him for a few beats before I uncrossed my arms and answered him. "Pinky promise me you won't hurt me." I held my pinky out for him, but only received a raised eyebrow instead. I didn't move.

"Pinky promise?"

"Yes, you can never break a pinky promise." He stared at me for a few short seconds before linking his pinky with mine. "So, do I need to pack a bag or are you bringing me home." The confusion didn't leave his face for a second.

"Uh, up to you." He pauses to regain his composure. "I've never had someone comply this easily." I just shrug instead of answering.

While I grab a bag and throw a change of clothes and some toiletries into it, I hear some rustling. "Are you snooping?" I turn catching him as he continues pulling stuff off my bookshelf examining it before putting it back in its place.

"You almost ready?" He asks ignoring my question. "We're kind of on a time crunch here."

"Yup." I say grabbing the stuffed penguin on my bed shoving it into the bag as well. When I zipped it up and looked up meeting another confused look.


"Mind your business. Let's go." I muttered motioning him forward.

Sneaking out of the house wasn't hard and when we made it out to the car, Ricky had it running and ready to go.

"That was fast." He said as he pulled away from the curb, heading in the direction of...well I don't know.

"So, can I ask my questions now? We're in the car." I said as I buckled myself in.

"Sure, go for it." Spencer said laying his head back against the headrest and closing his eyes.

"Great, I have a list. Do you even have a teaching degree or is that a lie?" My graze moved between them waiting for an answer. "Both of you answer."

"I have a degree. Spencer's is fake, though." Ricky said answering for both of them.

"Hm. Are you gonna use me? For like ransom or some shit like that." I asked looking out the window.

"No. If you're willing after tonight, we want you to join us." Spencer answered not opening his eyes.

"If I'm willing? What're you going to do to me?" I shot them both a glare even though they didn't bother to look back at me. What game are they trying to play here?

"Nothing, nobody will touch you." Ricky said pulling into the driveway of what I'm assuming is their house.

"Ever." Spencer muttered opening his door and getting out.

When I didn't immediately get out of the car, Spencer threw my door open motioning me out. "Let's go, Princess, we have things to do." He did not mean that as an endearing nickname. Rolling my eyes, I hastily grabbed my bag and slid out.

I followed them into the house, then Ricky shut the door behind us. "You can sit your bag down on the couch. Once we're done, I'll show you up to my room."

"Your room?" I questioned sitting my bag down on the couch.

"Don't worry, he usually crashes on the couch after doing God knows what. So, you'll have the room to yourself." Ricky explaining earning a nod from me.

"Let's go." Spencer led them all downstairs to the basement. Then back towards a room in the corner.

"Now I do feel like I'm gonna get murdered."

"Relax." Spencer shoved the door open, and I heard muffled screams, but I couldn't see because he blocked my view. "Oh, good you're awake. Out of the tiny part of my caring heart, I decided to bring you a gift, yeah?" The screams were a little louder, but still muffled. "Think of it as a going away present." I couldn't see Spencer's face, but there were hints of humor in his tone. He stepped out of the way, and I gasped as I seen who was making all the noise.

The first thing out of my mouth. "What the fuck?"

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