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Chapter Nine



How the fuck am I supposed to go to my classes and act like I didn't just murder my boyfriend last night? Spencer gave me a 'lecture' on how I need to act and basically just act normal. If I wasn't sure they were completely nuts before this, I am one-hundred percent certain now.

I was doing okay for the first half of the day, but the second half I knew I had to sit through Spencer's class. To top that off, Ricky was covering for my history professor. So, now I have to be in class with both of them. I don't even want to look at myself in the mirror, how am I supposed to look at them for an entire class period?

There was still several minutes of my lunch left before I had to endure their classes, but I was already freaking out. I was sitting at a corner table by myself pretending to read a textbook when Ricky sat down in front of me. "You're freaking out."

I sent him a glare. "No shit, Sherlock."

"Rude. You were fine this morning, what changed?"

"Reality set in that I'm the reason my boyfriend is dead." I shut the textbook and shoved it in my bag.

"Why don't you say it a little louder? I don't think everyone heard you clearly." Ricky hissed in my direction.

"Watch it." I snapped.

"Or what? We've been doing this for years and I won't let you fuck this up. Incase you forgot, you were the one to hold the knife. Your finger prints are all over it. If we go down, you're coming with us. Get your shit together, I heard there's cops already sniffing around." Before I could even get a word in, he stood and left. Someone's testy.

It was the end of the day finally and Spencer's class was getting dismissed. My sister came up to where I was still sitting. "Since you weren't there this morning, mom and dad are going away for a business trip. Said they'll be away for a month or two."

"Yeah, sorry I wasn't home. I got caught up at a friends house after the festival. Have they already left?" I asked packing up my books.

"Yeah, they left this morning. Are you coming home with me today?" She looked over at the door, clearly wanting to leave.

"No, I have to stay after again." I zipped my bag and stood.

"Awesome, bye." She hurried out the door.

I made my way up to the front of the room and sat at the desk directly in front of Spencer's. He had his head down as he scribbled on someone's assignment. "Why are you putting in so much effort for this job?"

Without looking up he answered. "Gotta play the part and look natural. You'll learn that soon enough." Silence fell over the two of us as he finished what he was doing.

As he was putting the stack of papers in a folder, I spoke up. "So, uh, Ricky is a little testy today."

"Yeah, he gets like that when cops start sniffing around. That's why I sent him out here. The more spooked he got, the more mistakes he caused. I need him with a clear head, so I finished up the job while he finished his teaching degree and started here." Spencer threw the folder of papers into the bottom drawer of his desk before standing. "We have a lot to talk about. We'll have food ordered in. Since your parents are out of town, you'll just stay over again so we can keep an eye on you."

"Sure. Don't think I have a choice at this point." I said following him towards the door.

"Oh, you have choices. Just make sure you make the right ones. We'll stick with you, remember that." He was quiet after that as we made our way out to the faculty parking lot. Ricky was waiting by his car for us. When he seen we were coming, he climbed in the driver seat and started the car. Spencer and I climbed in and we were off to their house.

It was a silent drive, but I didn't mind. The silence gave me time to think, which in hindsight wasn't the best option, because it gave my mind free reign. When we reached Ricky's house, we went in in silence. I mumbled about going to change and disappeared up the stairs and into the room I slept in last night. I grabbed the comfy clothes that I slept in from the floor and threw those back on. I went to the bathroom and carefully took out my contacts as they were bothering me and grabbed my glasses. Going back downstairs, I found Spencer and Ricky sitting at the kitchen table.

"So," I started as I sat down in the only open seat. "Spencer said we had to talk." They were both staring at me. Creepy.

"Yeah, we need to know if you're going to join us. That's really what this has been about since the beginning." Ricky started.

"We're reaching the point of urgency in your training. If you're in we need to know." Spencer finished.

"Well, it doesn't really feel like I have choice. I mean I murdered my boyfriend in your basement. How am I supposed to go back to being normal after something like that?" I asked looking between them. Did they expect me to be normal again?

"I told you. You have a choice. If you choose to go back to normal, then we need to know so we can move on."

"Well, there's no way I'm going back to normal. Wait...what do you mean move on?"

"So you'll join us?" Ricky asked bringing my attention back to him.

"Yeah. I guess." Did I just agree to becoming a serial killer? Can you do that? "So, what happens now?"

"You get to know about our past and how we're able to be sitting here talking to you. Do you think you're ready for that?" Spencer asked crossing his arms over his chest.

My answer was yes, but was I really prepared for what they were getting ready to tell me?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10 ⏰

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