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Chapter Eight

Oh No


"What is Mike doing tied up in your basement?" My boyfriend is currently thrashing around trying to get himself untied from the chair. There was a piece of duct tape that was muffling his screams.

"I think you know why." Spencer replied crossing his arms over his chest.

It was silent for a minute save for Mike's whimpers.

"What are you going to do to him?" My voice came out just above a whisper breaking the silence.

"Not us." There was a pause before Spencer continued. "You. We don't need this revenge, you do." I looked back at him to see he was staring at the forming bruise on my wrist from earlier tonight. When he noticed that I was watching him, he nodded his head in the direction of a table. On the table was a knife.

"Am I supposed to kill him?" Stupid question, I know.

"That's for you to decide. We'll leave you two alone." Rickey walked out before Spencer, but when he reached the door he turned back to look at me and Mike. "By the way, this is the only way out. We'll be blocking the door. The room is semi sound proof. Have fun." He walked out, shutting the door behind him.

I stared at Mike for what felt like hours before I decided to pick up the knife. I hesitantly made my way over to Mike and ripped the duct tap off his mouth earning a groan from the sting. "Please don't do this, Alilaleigh, please." He was crying as he kept repeating himself. I glanced at the dark purple ring around my wrist and then back at Mike. He was tied to a chair his wrist and ankles secured to the wood under them.

Without a second thought, I brought the knife down as hard as I possibly could down on his wrist. Mike's blood curling scream was enough to make me jump, but it didn't help that I felt hands wrap around me and pull me backwards away from the gushing blood.

I watched the knife being pulled out of Mike's flesh before it was put in front of me again. Spencer held the knife out waiting for me to take it again. Mike was yelling profanities at us, but Ricky slapped a new piece of duct tape over his mouth. "I know the rooms sound proof, but that was annoying me."

"Finish him off, Alilaleigh." Spencer said bringing my attention back to him.

"I can't." I squeezed me eyes shut and shook my head back and forth trying to will myself out of this nightmare.

"You can and you will."

It took me a minute to regain whatever was left of my sanity. No, I don't think any sane person would do what I'm about to do. I knew I was always close to insanity, but I never thought I would actually reach it.

I grabbed the bloody knife from Spencer hands and slowly walked over to Mike. Okay, I can do this. Just stab him, you know like in those movies. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I can feel them watching me. Waiting for me to snap and I do. All the bad things that he's ever done to me that I'd covered up come crashing back through my mind and that was it. I brought the knife up again and stabbed him three times in the chest, then right through the jugular.

"Well, well. I think you may have earned some brownie points with this one, Ricky." I heard Spencer say as I dropped the knife to the floor. Ricky replied, but I couldn't hear him over the ringing in my ears. "Come on. Let's get you out of here." Someone had picked me up and carried me out of the basement and up to the second floor bathroom. I was sat on the counter while the water was turned on. "Listen to me, Alilaleigh. Can you hear me?" Strong hands were placed on my cheeks and forced me to look at him. I nodded a little. "The water is hot, okay? Take a shower, however long you want. You're room is connected to the bathroom and your bag will be waiting for you on the bed. Sound good?"

"Y-yeah. Sounds good."

"If you need anything, just yell. Okay?"


Then he left, leaving me to my shower. I silently slipped off the counter and stripped out of my soiled clothing before climbing into the steaming shower. The blood that stained my skin was slowly getting rinsed off and disappearing down the drain.

About an hour and a half later, the water was turning cold. I turned the stream off before stepping out and wrapping a towel around me. Walking into the room that was attached, I saw my bag sitting on the bed. I quickly dressed, before sliding in bed. I refused to think about anything that happened today. I hugged my giraffe close and closed my eyes, willing myself to sleep.



Sort of a short chapter but I wanted to get a new chapter out there for you guys <3

I did write most of this chapter tonight (11/6) and you have my Trinity of Terror show to thank for my sudden need to write! INK was amazing and I was never really a fan of MIW but after the show they put on I went and listen to a bunch of their music. They definitely got a new fan! If you have any suggestions of music I'd love to hear them.

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