A Seek for Reason - Chapter 3

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I finally got through the day without exploding because of how long it felt. Well anyway, I packed up my stuff in my locker and went to meet Megan and Ariana in the canteen. They were both gonna walk me to Skylar's house because Megan wanted to see him. So we left this horrible place and set off for the place I was most excited about today. All of a sudden you hear Megan singing, 'We're going on a bear hunt, We're gonna catch a big one.' Ariana and I just look at her. Then, I look away because that's just the kind of thing Megan does. So Megan continued singing until Ariana shouted, 'Dude! Shuttup!' And I burst out laughing. Ten minutes later, we arrived.

'Megan, you better not sing any bear hunt crap in front of Skylar,' I said.

'I won't,' she replied.


Ariana rang the doorbell. Jonah opened it. His eyes opened wide.

'Three of you?' he asked.

I laughed.

Then he 'corrected' himself and said, 'Wait no. Two of you and then Ari.'

Ariana shoved him a little and said, 'DIckhead!'

He put on a baby 'hurt' face, 'Ouch! That hurt!'

'I barely touched you!' Ariana said.

'Whatever. Anyway, are you all here to see my brother?'

'Yeah, sorta,' I said.

We heard footsteps that were obviously Skylar's, but Jonah laughed and said, 'Sorry. He can't see you because he's currnetly trying to handle two girls in bed alread--...' Skylar cut him off, 'Fuck off man!' We all laughed, except Skylar, who just rolled his eyes with a half smile. He then said, 'You guys can come on in. Just give me a second.' Jonah brought us into the living room.

'Sky said he was going on a date with Danielle. He didn't mention Ariana or....?'

'Megan,' I said.

'... or Megan were coming along.'

'I don't think they are. They just walked me here. Wait, he said a date?'

'Yeah, that's what he said. Well I'm going upstairs. I'll see you later.'

I smiled and waved.

As he faded away, I thought about how Skylar called it a 'date'. It wasn't a bad thing. I actually liked that he did, but I wasn't expecting him to call it one yet. Then, Megan loudly whispered to me, 'Danielle! They're both fucking gorgeous!'

I laughed and said, 'I told you!'

'No, you didn't! You said he was cute! You didn't say he was a creation specially made my God that was delivered to Earth by the heavenly angels.'

'Where the hell do you even come up with something like that?'

'Danielle, he's fucking beautiful. That jaw line!'

'I knew you were gonna say something about his jaw line!'

'Well obviously! Because it's beautiful! Okay. I dibs the big brother.'

'Megan, Skylar is in college. That's old enough, but Jonah, he's older than Skylar.'

'So what?'

Then Ariana joined, 'I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend.'

'Fuck that. I'm probably way hotter,' said Megan.

'Way to be modest,' I replied. 

Then, Skylar walked into the room and came to an abrupt stop when Ariana, Megan and I started laughing.

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