A Seek for Reason - Chapter 2

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'I'm home!' I shouted so that whoever was home would know. I then ran upstairs because I just wanted to process what happened today. Skylar was so sweet and perfect, but I didn't know if I could trust him. I mean it's not like I'm pretty, so why would he like me? I could imagine him just trying to get in my bed and then leave once that's done. That's really what I imagine about all guys, but what if Skylar really was different? I mean, I've only known him for a couple of hours and he seems like a really good guy, who probably wouldn't do anything to hurt me like that, but at the same time I feel like I don't know him well enough to assume. Before my thoughts could expand anymore, my mum shouted from downstairs, with her dominant voice, to come down and eat. I decided this was perfect timing because food always made me feel better and less confused. So I went down and started eating.

'Danielle, you never usually seem so zoned out when you're eating dinner unless there's something on your mind. What's going on?' asked my dad.

'It's really nothing. I'm just trying to process todayl. That's all.'

'Ahh. So, how was your first day of school back from winter? Make any new friends?'

'It was good. I met this girl named Ariana. She's really sweet and she introduced me to some of her friends as well. They're all really nice!'

'That's great!'


Once I was finished with my food, I decided to go back upstairs and maybe read a little. I checked my phone first to see if maybe Skylar texted me. He hadn't. Then I remembered that it's probably because he doesn't actually have my number. He just gave me his. So I decided to text him, instead, so that he could save my number.

Me: Save my number :)

Skylar: done.

Me: what are you up to?

Skylar: thinking about you ;)

Me: you're a loser

Skylar: lol i'm joking

Me: i realized ;)

Skylar: oh, please. i bet you wished i meant it.

Me: i bet you wished i said it back.

Skylar: you bet i did.

Me: lol you're funny.

Skylar: i know

Me: get over yourself

Skylar: not possible. i'm perfect

Me: lol this is too good

Skylar: you know it's true

Me: you wish it was

Skylar: i do :(

Me: ahahah so he admits it :')

Skylar: meet me tomorrow.

Me: you can't make me

Skylar: i can't. but if you don't, you know you're going to regret it.

Me: don't flatter yourself.

Skylar: come over after school

Me: bossy.

Skylar: please?

Me: if you insist.

I decided I'd go to bed. By going to bed, I actually meant I'd lie in bed with the lights off and think about my day today. I was thinking about if I was going to tell Megan about Skylar or not. I probably wouldn't because there was nothing serious between us and I didn't even know if I really liked him yet. Then I thought about the things I liked about him; he was beautiful looking, he had a manly-looking jaw, dimples, he had good taste in books and music, he played the guitar, he was a good driver, he was a deep-thinker. I then said in my head, this guy is a genius, because I thought he was. He was a curious person, like I was. He was a lot like me and that's why I think he can help me on my search for reason because I think he is searching for reason, also. He just doesn't know it. Then, I drifted off into sleep.

First thing I heard this morning was the dominant voice of my mother. I got out of bed right away because i was excited for today. Not for school, but for what came after; Skylar. 

I got to school and did my first step of my routine; locker. I then skipped the second step and went to find Ariana, but she found me first.

'Danielle! Skylar texted me last night saying he had a good time with you. You have to tell me everything!'

'Hahaha! There really isn't much to say, but let's go to the deck and talk ther.'

'Okay!' I laughed and grabbed her arm and started walking towards the deck. I introduced her to Megan. We sat at one of the end tables on the deck and it was away from the rest of the group.

'So Danielle, explain to me exactly what happened last night,' said Ariana.

Megan raised her eyebrows and looked at me as if she was impressed. I laughed.

'It was good. He took me to his house, but we didn't really do anything.'

'He took you to his house already?' asked Megan.

'Not like that! We're not dating or anything!'

'Who is this guy anyway?'

'He's this guy that I brought Danielle to meet yesterday. I've known him since I was really little,' said Ariana.

'What school does he go to?

I began to answer, 'University of- ...'

'He's in university?!'

I smiled in a way that said 'yeah, sorta-ish'.

'Pedophile much.'

'He's only one and a half years older.'

'So is he cute?'




Ariana looked at us both and said, 'What the hell?' And we all laughed. So far this has been a good week because I've had a lot of moments where I've loved life, like right now.

Then Ariana asked, 'When are you seeing him again?'

I shyly replied, 'Today... after school.'

She dropper her jaw, with a smile as well and said, 'Already?!'

I laughed, 'Yeah.'


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