A Seek for Reason - Chapter 5

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I didn't want to ask him what this meant for us because right now I just wanted to enjoy the moment without any confusion or anything getting in the way. The moment was so perfect and I just didn't want to ruin it.

By 6:45 we thought it was best to get ready. Well, only I had to get ready. So Skylar went downstairs to wait for me while I changed into something decent; jeans, tshirt, hoodie and scarf. I grabbed my phone and shut my laptop and then ran downstairs where Skylar was waiting for me. He opened the door and put his arm on my waist as he gestured me out the door. The feeling of his arm there made me tense up a bit and I think he noticed.

'Are you okay?' he asked.

Shit. 'Uh, yeah. Sorry, it's just a little cold.'

'Oh. Don't worry. I turned the heater on in my car so it'll be warm in there,' he said as he opened the passenger seat of his car for me. 

It took us about 20 minutes to get to the restaurant becaue there was traffic. When we got there, Ariana and Megan were already there. I was scared that Skylar would hold my hand as we walked into the restaurant, for Megan and Ariana to see. There would be too much to explain and I wouldn't even know what to say because I don't even know what me and Skylar are. Luckily, though, he didn't. I think he felt the same. I mean I know he likes me and he would want to be with me, but he's aware that I haven't made my feelings about him clear. Though, what if he thought that by kissing him I had made my feelings clear? What if he thought I did like him and that I was ready to be with him because of that kiss? Well, I definitely did like him, but I just didn't know if I was ready to be with him. He did make it clear that he cares about me and that he's protective over me. Was it time to just give it a shot? Maybe I just needed to try it out with him and see what would happen. That's my final decision. I just needed to get alone with him and just talk about everything. I decided that after dinner he would take me home and that would be our time to talk.

'Hey! How are you feeling?' asked Megan.

'Definitely better,' I said, taking a two second glance over at Skylar, who was sitting right across from me. Megan has noticed that glance. She widened her eyes at me and I did the same back.

'Uhh, Dani. Will you come to the ladies' with me?' she asked.

'Um no. I don't need to use it,' I said back, aware of what she was trying to do.

'Dani, come with me, now,' she said, impatiently.

I rolled my eyes and got up and followed her to the back of the restaurant.

'What happened with Skylar?!' asked Megan.

'Eh, nothing.'

'That glance wasn't NOTHING! What happened?!'

'Ehh, we sort of kissed, I don't know.'


'SHH! Jeez, you're so loud!'

'Did he kiss you or did you kiss him?!'

'Ehh, I don't know, I did.'

'Dani!' she yelled, as she grabbed me and hugged me, 'So are you guys like together now?'

'No! I don't know. I don't think so.'

'How are you not dating?'

'Look! We're not dating, but I've decided that I'll give him a chance. Try it out.'

Megan squealed and grabbed me and hugged me again.

'You need to stop doing that!' I said to her, 'Now, let's go back to the table and make it seem like nothing just happened okay?' So we both walked back and Ariana looked at me in a 'what-just-happened' way. And I looked back at her in an 'I'll-tell-you-later' way.

So dinner went by pretty quickly. 

'Dani, do you want me to walk you home?' asked Megan, who was walking back with Ariana.

'Um no. I think I'll just go back with Skylar.'

This made Skylar look up. I could tell he was trying not to smile. We both got in the car and we didn't say anything to each other the whole ride. I only decided to talk when we got to my house. He pulled up in front of the drive way and just sat there.

'Skylar, we need to talk,' I said. 

'Yeah, we do.'

'Well, that kiss today..'

'... was pretty amazing.'

I laughed, 'Yeah, it was.'

'But what did it mean?' he asked. 

I didn't know what to say.

'Do you want to be with me?' he asked.

I didn't say anything for about 5 seconds. I didn't want to say anything.

'Seriously Danielle. You're doing it again. You gotta talk to me. I understand if you don't want to be with me, but I need to know what that kiss meant.'

'Look Skylar. I admit, I have been avoiding you. That's only because I was scared to face the fact that I do like you. I was scared to be with you, but I've only just realized that I don't need to be scared,' I paused, 'because you're the most caring, most protective guy I know and there's absolutely no reason for me to be scared of you.'

He smiled, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he leaned in and kissed me, softly. It had the exact same effect as the previous kiss, maybe even better.

Once we released I said, 'Oh by the way, yeah, I want to be with you,' laughing.

He laughed, too, and kissed me again. 

'I should probably get going,' I said.

'Yeah, I'll text you later then,' he said with a smile.

'Yeah,' I smiled back.

'Alright goodnight,' he said as he kissed my cheek, 'Wait, do you want me to walk you in?'

I laughed, 'No! You don't have to!'

'That means yes.'

I laughed as we both got out of the car. When we got to the door, he lifted my hand and held it, then kissed me one more time, 'Goodnight.' I blushed and said 'Goodnight' back, and walked into the house and waved as he walked back to his car. That was actually such a perfect night.

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