Silver lining

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Hi, so I been offered a cure. A werewolf cure. I don't know what to do. But I feel lucky in a way. But some of my family aren't and it breaks my heart. I must go and travel to get it. I could be hunted or bred for war. I have two siblings who have learning disabilities. They ran away when crackdown started. One is now bred for war and the other is on the run. I hope if I go down there. I hope I can get them the cure.

"Are you ready?" A guard ask. I have to have four with me at all times.

I will miss the freedom of running around in the Yorkshire dales. The pack has slowly been falling apart. But I have to go to Cardiff in wales its one of the centres you can go to. London is packed with others trying to get the cure.

"Yes, I am" I answer. I don't look at them. You know to be safe.

"Good" he grins. He puts his hand on my lower back and slide it down. "You sure?" With a chuckle. I nod trying not to cry. "I can't hear you" he growls in my ear.

"Yes" I whimper. He then pushes me into the van.

It has a cage, not like a police van. It's small I get in and try and not make a fuss. They chain me to the cage a collar around my neck and handcuff a leg and wrist. And we began to drive off. I see the four guards sniggering. I guess it's because I'm a werewolf I hope it will be better after this.

After a while I realised I have fallen asleep. I wake up. They are still watching me. They have guns. Three have dart guns and one has a real one.

"How long till we get there?" I ask hoping they won't do anything to me.

A different one looks at me. "Not too long now. I think you have behaved well so far and I will be reporting that" her voice sounding positive.

"Thank you" thankfully to her compliment.

"Yes. It will help them with the transition" she continued.

I don't know what the treatment is for the cure. I just hope it is humane. I watch her go near my leg.

"If I take the leg piece off will you behave?" She asks watching my every move. I nod. And she takes it off.

We continue all the way. I think how my brother is on the run. And how my sister is being bred for war. I know she won't cope. With her autism she will struggle. Well we think she is autstic. But due to the fact we can't access a diagnosis. Because of being werewolves. We can't be sure. And we suspect my brother is ADHD. So of course he legged it. Well they are the only family I got now.

"Is it possible to request treatment to others?" My voice breaks a little. They look at each other. Silence is then is followed. I feel the rumble of the truck go on. Occasionally bumping my head a little.

"I don't know. Continue to behave and I will see" she snaps a bit towards the end. I keep quiet of course I will if I get answer.

Eventually we get to the faciality where the treatment is. They open the doors and then carry me out in the cage. We went through the doors into the lab. The lady take me to a room full of werewolves all in cages. 

"I'm going to either take the arm piece off and loosen the collar. Or take off the collar and the arm ones and let you be free in your cage. Your choice" she looks at me in my cage. "Or I can take you to the loo" She continues.

"Can I go to the loo please?" I ask. She nodded and with the guards took me to the loo. I was desperate.

She patted me down and entered. I was allowed to use the cubical myself. I was not allowed to lock it. She stood on the other side with a guard and two outside. I felt so thankful for it.

It was time to have the cure. I lay on the operation table. I was clamped down by restraints. I assume its a safety reason. The lady guard is talking to the scientist or doctor. They are behind glass. A robotic needle comes in and injects me. I start feeling fuzzy as it grows over. The light dims a bit. I end up slowly closing my eyes.

I think I'm dreaming of following a wolf. I feel like it is guiding me. I follow it. I hear my siblings talking faintly. The colours are swirling around. I follow the wolf in a city. I don't recognise it. I feel I'm closer to my siblings as we go. The wolf speeds up and I can hear them laughing. The wolf then guides me to some woods. Their voices are clear and  talking about being human as I enter a clearing. They spot me and we have a good time.

Eventually I turn my head around to see it leaving. I turn and hug her and cry. I realise this is saying good bye to my werewolf. A tear streamed down my face. I feel a part of me going. I go back to my family feeling to spend time with them.

I wake up to noise. A light grows brighter. I'm told I have been out for a week. And I need to be watched for a while. My whole body aches. I feel like going back to bed again. 

I spend a while here. The injection they gave me was for sleeping. And then then had other injections and scans. My body looks different. I don't look like a werewolf female any more but more human. And  it feels different too. like I am detached from the werewolf within. It feels lonely in a way. But I also am being treated humanly. I don't know what the future holds now.

It has been now six months. My sister and brother are with a wood. And all of us had the same dream. And I got the care both of them needed.

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