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Tuesday, August 3rd 2020

Soobin was the first to step inside the principal's office. "Good afternoon sir, we have a new student." He said.

The principal, Choi Seung-Hyun, aka T.O.P looked up from his desk and eyed the students before gesturing for them to sit.

"Hello students, may I ask who the new student is?" He asked. Beomgyu raised his hand, earning a nod from T.O.P

"Alright, state your name, age, birth place, major, and species." He said.

"Uhm.. my name is Choi Beomgyu. I'm 19 years old, and I was born in S-Seoul.. Music Major and I'm a- Beary Tiger?" Beomgyu answered.

T.O.P raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me, you are what?" He asked. Beomgyu gulped at the intense stare he was giving him.

"A Beary Tiger. I'm a bear and a tiger." He replied. The principal gasps.

"Oh my god! You're royalty!" He exclaimed. Beomgyu's eyes widen in surprise, fear and confusion. He looked over at his new friends, seeing that their eyes were also wide.

"Hey, hey wait. What do you mean by royalty?!" Beomgyu shrieked. T.O.P sighed and rests his hand on his cheek.

"I forgot kids weren't usually allowed to know this stuff." He stated plainly. "You see, Beomgyu, you're a mix of a bear and a tiger, meaning you are an animal hybrid of two species."

"That, I am. But what does this have anything to do with royalty?" Beomgyu pouts. He was so confused, not even the explanation helped.

"Actually, I have no idea." T.O.P said. Everyone sighed.

"Actually, Sir T.O.P, Beomgyu had parents of different kinds." Yeonjun stepped in.

"Yeonjun?! Isn't that illegal??" Taehyun whispered. Yeonjun gasped and nod slowly.

Beomgyu heard that and gulped another time. Slowly, the principal got up and got closer to Beomgyu, looking him straight in the eye.

"You do know, species of different kinds aren't supposed to do that, right?" He asks, Beomgyu nods. "You do know what happens to the kids, right?" Beomgyu shakes his head.

Everyone looked up at the principal's glare, it sending a shiver down everyone's spines. They watch as the principal take out a piece of paper from his desk. The title in bold letters read; 'kids who came from different species'

"All kids who come from different kinds of species must be executed or be crowned prince by the two species' animal kingdom." Sir T.O.P read out loud. "So it's your choice Beomgyu. Do you choose death or become a prince?"

"Isn't that an obvious question?" Taehyun asked, sass in his voice.

"Uh, yeah, of course I choose.. the prince thing.." Beomgyu said. Sir T.O.P smiles and places the paper back in his desk.

"It's settled then, Beomgyu is officially the prince of the bear and tiger's animal kingdom."

The group says their farewells and leave the office, right after the principal gave Beomgyu his school schedule.

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