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Saturday, December 4th 2020

"Alright guys, hurry and unpack. I wanna do something fun today." Seokjin said once he teleported his things in random areas of the hotel room he was sharing, once again, with Namjoon. Of course it was neat though.

"This isn't fair! You didn't do anything!!" Jimin whined as he started unpacking his things from his suitcase, hotel room door wide open from his and Taehyung's shared hotel room and the door that combined with Seokjin and Namjoon's room.

(Rooms from left to right)
(- means neighbor door :v)

Yoongi & Jungkook
Beomgyu & Taehyun

Taehyung & Jimin
Seokjin & Namjoon

Hoseok & Hyuka
Soobin & Yeonjun


"Not everything is fair in life, that's why I was born a vampire." Seokjin stated, frowning at the last bit.

"Jinnie! Don't be sad. Being a Vampire is no different from being, uhm, what we are." Jimin said, trying to cheer him up.

"Actually there's a huge difference. I suck the blood of humans and you guys are cannibals." Seokjin said while also making images appear. One was of a vampire sucking on a human's neck til they become nothing but skin and bones, and the other was of a hybrid eating animals. Specifically, a pig hybrid eating pork.

"Wah- We're just rating what humans eat.. how's that cannibalism?" Jimin said confused.

"If you don't get it. That's a pig. He's eating pig. Cannibalism."

"Oh- ok then." Jimin said, still unsure.

"Jin. Gyu, Yoongs, Kook, and I are finished." Taehyun said, peaking from the wide opened door.

"Ah- you four go do what you want then." Seokjin replied.

"Can I sleep then?" Yoongi asked, more like demand, but also peaking from the door.

"No, you need to take care of the young ones."

"Ugh, finee. At least I like them more than the rest of you idiots." Yoongi then left.

"I'm one of those idiots, but he still likes me." Beomgyu said with a smile, peaking his head inside. "Oh, Taehyungie. What are you doing?"

"I'm building a tower!" Taehyung said, stacking pillows and blankets on top of each other.

"Tae! You're supposed to be unpacking your bags!" Seokjin scolded him.

"I did! Now I'm bored." Taehyung replied, crashing onto his, now, pile of pillow and blankets. They fell down when Seokjin yelled at him.

"Ight, Gyu and I are heading out. See ya." Taehyun then grabbed Beomgyu by the hand and ran off.

Seokjin sighed. "If they get lost, I'm not teleporting them back here." He says to himself.

"Yeah, then you'd be the reason they died." Jimin said from behind. Seokjin slapped his back before going to join Namjoon on the bed, which he's reading a book.

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