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Wednesday, November 17th 2020

"Erm, you sure this place is better?" Jimin spoke as they were parking.

Yoongi nodded. "Duh, what's better than my studio?" He raised a brow.

"Uhm, anything? This place is so boringgg!!" Taehyung whined.

"I'm fine being here." Taehyun said.

"Me too! I love music." Beomgyu waved his arms enthusiastically close to his chest.

"See, they agree. Let's go." Yoongi hopped out of his car and headed inside first, Beomgyu and Taehyun running after him.

"This is too boring, whoever wants to go with them, go. I'll take us somewhere much more fun." Hoseok said.

"Alright- uhm.. I guess I'll go with them." Namjoon said then ran after them. Jungkook left right after. No one else said a word or left the car once they left so Hoseok hit the pedal and off they went.


"Oh, so they ditched us and left? I kinda already knew they were gonna do that." Yoongi said, typing on his laptop.

"Yoonie.. I told you to not work today..." Jungkook sighed sadly as he sat on the couch inside Yoongi's studio.

"I know, but I can't help it. There's this song I'm making and the deadline's in two days. I've only created the song, I just need to had vocals, sub vocals, and rap."

"Oh! How about we help you?" Beomgyu gleamed. Taehyun rapidly nodded his head, looking at Yoongi with hopeful eyes.

"Sure, you guys like music so, how hard can it be singing a song?" Yoongi grabbed a notebook out of his desk. "These are the lyrics I've made. I've got the beat down too."

"These are amazing!" Namjoon said as he looked through the lyrics.

"It's so sad though." Taehyun pouted. "Are you feeling good, Yoongs?"

Yoongi sighs. "Yeah, I'm ok. This is just the song my boss needs." He replied.

"I call dibs on the chorus." Beomgyu grabbed the notebook.

"I'll sing the first verse! Oh and the second part of the chorus." Taehyun said.

Beomgyu happily nods. "Then I also do the second verse of singing."

"I guess I'm doing the intro to the song? Nice, it's rap" Namjoon said.

"I'll sing the pre choruses. Maybe a little bit of the bridge." Jungkook said.

"Mhm, and I'm producer Min, I rap whenever I want. Meaning, this part." He pointed at a part in his notebook.

"That's a lot of words." Beomgyu plainly stated.

"Mhm, welp too bad the others didn't decide to join us. They could've helped with the song." Taehyun said.

"Fuck them, we're the smart ones anyways." Yoongi rolled his eyes sassily.

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