Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. All credits belong to J.K Rowling.


After everything was sorted out, they all followed Hagrid through the trees and up a path that lead to a large oak door. The four hexagon domes that were earlier stood on the platform once they left the train now stood on the side of the door and were hidden carefully indicating that the other students had already arrived. Hagrid took a quick head count again before raising his fist and knocking loudly on the door three times.

Chapter 12

The door swung open at once to reveal a tall, black haired witch in emerald robes. Her hair was tied up in a tight bun and she was wearing circular glasses that rested on the bridge of her nose. She had a very stern face and Harry silently thought that she wasn't someone to cross.

"The firs' years Professor McGonagall." Hagrid said motioning towards them.

"Thank you Hagrid, I will take them from here."

She pulled the door open wide and ushered the first years across the giant entrance. As soon as they had stepped inside, the first years looked in wonder at their surroundings. They took in all the flaming torches, magnificent marble staircases and the flagged stone door. Harry could hear hundreds of voices coming from a door to the right and came to the conclusion that was where all the students sat. However, Professor McGonagall led them into a small, empty chamber off the hall. They all crowded in peering nervously around.

"Welcome to Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall said turning to face them, "The special start of term banquet will start shortly, but before you take your seats in the great hall you shall be sorted into your houses. The sorting is a very important ceremony. While your here your house shall be like your family. You will have classes, breaks and lunch with them. You will spend your free time in your common room and any trips or overnight stays at Hogwarts will result in you sleeping in dormitories. Lockers and other necessities can be found in your house's common room. House points will also be awarded in the name of your house." She paused for a moment to let everyone soak the information in before opening her mouth and continuing.

" There are four houses. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Each house has its own noble history and has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are here, your triumphs will be awarded with house points and any misbehaviour or rule breaking will result in the loss of them. At the end of the year, the house with the most house points shall get the house cup. I hope each of you will be a credit to the house you have been put in." Here she let her eyes roam over everyone and looked at them as a disappointed parent or guardian may almost daring anyone to cause any mayhem.

"Now, the sorting ceremony shall take place in a few minutes. It shall be in front of the entire school. I suggest you smarten yourself up as much as you can while your waiting. I shall return when we're ready for you. Please wait quietly. " With that she turned and left the chamber leaving the first years. 

As soon as she had left, quite murmurs filled the air as each first year leaned in and started talking their neighbour about the different houses they wanted to be in and how they thought they would be sorted. The unpleasant red head they had unfortunate pleasure of meeting on the train had even come up with the ridiculous assumption that they were supposed to be fighting trolls and started insulting whoever thought otherwise. one really wanted to be friends with him. Harry turned to Draco who stood on his right.

"How do they sort everyone into their houses?" He asked whispering.

Draco leaned in and answered, " The sorting hat. It looks into your mind and decides what house you are meant to be in depending on what qualities you have."

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