The Morning

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I woke up, with Chris's arms wrapped around me, he was spooning me. I went to get up without waking him up but a slight movement from me, woke Chris up.

Chris slowly released me after realising what he was doing and I turned around to face him and then he went and I quote "you look so beautiful in the morning"

I looked at him dead in the eyes and went "you got that from one of your films!"

We both laughed and Chris explained that he wanted to see what my reaction was.

"I just did it to see if you had seen that film before and I guess you have" he explained

"Ye right, you just wanted to see if you could get away with using a line from one of your films as you didn't know what else to say and then it backfired because I have seen the film, it's a great film by the way"

"Okay, okay, okay you got me there, but you do look beautiful and thank you" Chris blurted out.

"Aww thank you, are you just saying this as you feel sorry for me because I lost my job and then confessed my whole bet to you, and why am I reminding you?"

"No no, I kinda forgot about the bet, I just wanted to tell you because I wanted to say something last night but it was late and you were drunk... I wasn't too sure you were going to remember anything from last night"

"Well I think I remember everything, let's recap, I went out with my friend, got her with some guy, then went out alone, bumped into you, confessed everything about the bet to you and then ended up in your hotel, which turned out to be my hotel as well, heard my best friend fucking the guy I got her with and then had a shower and went to sleep, does that sound about right?"

"Don't forget about the cup of tea and then ye I think you got everything"

"Okay great, you see, I get drunk but have an amazing memory even when I'm drunk, it's my superpower, I don't need no super soldier serum" we both laughed at my reference to his marvel character.

"I just want to say thank you for making sure I was safe last night, even though I must've sounded crazy."

"No problem and I don't think you sounded crazy, and after everything I feel like we were meant to meet, I feel comfortable around you, I never expected to feel so safe with a fan" he explained.

"You know what, I feel the same too, not about the fan thing because I am the fan" you both laughed, "but about the being comfortable and safe and that we were meant to meet" I confessed.

"What time is it?" I wondered

Chris checked his phone and saw that it was 9am.

"It's 9am"

"No wonder I'm so tired, we've only had like 4hours sleep"

Then came a knock at the door... "who's that?" We both said in sync.

"Hi, Chris it's Downey, just wondering if your coming for breakfast?" RDJ announced.

"Oh hey Downey, ye I'll be there in a minute, just got to get dressed, I'll meet you down there"

"Okay, see you soon"

Chris looked at me and went "Do you want to join me for breakfast?"

"You mean with the avengers?" You freaked a bit.

"Um, ye, I think everyone will be down there, after the premier last night, they all came back here while I decided to go for a walk around London"

"Okay yes, I would love too, although I don't have any clothes and I need to wash my face and brush my teeth but my room is a bit occupied with people, also I'm glad you went for a walk instead of coming back here"

"If you wear your dress, you can put one of my sweatshirts over the top and I've got some face wash and a spare tooth brush you can use, and I'm glad I went for the walk too" he smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Wow, you really are ready for any situation, your just so prepared" I chuckled and so did he.

I got up and walked into the bathroom, got back into my dress, found the toothbrush and brushed my teeth and then washed my face, he had really nice face wash. It smelt like roses too. Not something you expect Captain America to have. Rose scented face wash. Anyway I left the bathroom and walked over to Chris who handed me a baseball sweatshirt he had. To be honest my outfit worked because my dress was black and the oversized sweatshirt looked good over the top. This man knew his fashion.

After handing the sweatshirt to Ashlynn, Chris went into the bathroom and completed the same routine that Ashlynn had just completed.

"By the way your face wash is amazing!" I shouted through the bathroom door.

Chris walked out with a towel drying his face.

"It smells incredible right?" He expressed.

"Yes it really does, I need to get some!" I agreed.

We were both ready for breakfast within 15minutes of RDJ knocking on the door.

As we left the room I had a few questions in my head, "okay so I've got a few questions if that's okay?"

"Hit me!"

"Okay, so, how are you going to describe me to your friends? And how are you going to explain how we met? And finally, how are you going to explain how I ended up in your bed?, I'm an over thinker, so I'm thinking about all the possible things that can happen and everything that could go wrong etc."

"I'll explain that we are friends..."

That's when I cut him off, "are we actually friends?"

"I would like to say so, yes" Chris announced.

"I would like that too" I gave him a smile and let him carry on answering my questions.

"I'll explain how we met last night, exactly how it happened but I won't tell them about the bet, that's our little secret" and then he winked at me, which made me blush too much. "And finally I'll say I stayed on the sofa and gave you the bed as your room was occupied and you needed as safe place, how does that sound?" He looked at me looking for confirmation.

"That sounds great, thank you" we decided to take the stairs so we walked down and made our way to the restaurant where we were going to have breakfast.

"So... I'm kinda nervous about meeting everyone" I bursted out with.

"Don't worry about it, they are lovely people and I'm sure they're going to get along with you just fine." He comforted me.

"How are you so sure, you only met me last night?"

"Because, even though I've only known you for less than 12hours, I know that this friendship is going to go a long way, I've just got this feeling."

"You really do have a way with your words, you're incredible"

"Why thank you, you're pretty great too" he blushed and so did you.

"Are you ready?" Chris asked, making sure I was okay.

"Yes, let's do this!"

I started yesterday by getting fired and watching Marvel films and now I'm off for breakfast with the cast of Avengers Age of Ultron. My life is crazy.

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