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Two days later I was still stuck in the hell hole that was now my new living accommodation. Knowing that know one knew where I was and not knowing if people have noticed or are looking for me is a scary thought. I noticed different thing about this woman over the last couple days. She would come in the morning and would bring me porridge and then would come in the evening and bring me bread and water. I still did not know anything about her personally, except for the fact that I think she has a normal 9-5 job considering the times she comes to me.

I know her plan, or I think I do, I think she is now waiting for someone to come look for me, especially Chris, so she can get her claws into him.

I am cold and wet and I just want to go home.

Chris POV

I have been messaging Ashlynn and calling so much over the last 2 days and no answer. It is so weird of her to be like that. I was going to come and surprise her on the weekend as I miss her so much but she is not replying me to.

A few hours later, I was at my Moms and I get a call from Gina which is unnatural. So I answered it straight away.

As I picked up the phone I heard rapid breathing and panic in Ginas voice as she tried to say my name.

"Gina...Whats wrong?" I began panicking as the only reason Gina would call would be something to do with Ashlynn and with the panic she was radiating, I knew this was not a cheery phone call.

There was no reply from Gina.

"Gina, you are scaring me, whats wrong?" I raised my voice slightly, but not too high as I did not want to scare her.

"Ashlynns" She sobbed.

"Ashlynns what? Deep breaths Gina please"

"Gone, her house was broken into and she's gone" She cried down the phone.

"I swear to God, if this is some sort of sick joke"

"I wish it was but its not" She sobbed.

"I am gonna be on the next flight out" I ended the call.

Still in shock I booked the next flight out.

My Ma came into the room as she heard me raise my voice before.

I turned around to face her and broke down. On the floor, my Ma crouched down and held me close.

"I have to go...Ash, shes gone, her home was broken into." I cried.

"I'm coming with you, you can't go alone" Lisa responded.

"Thank you". I did not argue with my Mom coming as I needed her, even though this was a lot of hassle for her, I couldn't do this alone.

For what felt like an eternity I arrived in London about 2am, I called Gina and Andy picked us up from the airport. He took us to Ginas.

As soon as I saw Gina, we both fell into a hug. Both sobbing.

"I have no idea where she is" Gina cried.

"We will find her...we have to find her, what has the police said?"

"They've taken some finger prints from her home, but there was a bullet hole on the wall above her stairs, I have no idea who would do this"

"A...bullet...h...hole" I stuttered.

She nodded.

The police were now doing their job and I had to some how be patient. Not knowing when I'll see the love of my life again.

My mother and I stayed with Gina. We thought it was the best option.

A couple days later the police came back with more information. They came to Ginas to sit down to talk to us.

"It Turns out that Miss Moore had a secret security  camera showing outside her home, we can see that she was taken around 2am by a brunette female in her 30s. The women was driving a Renault Cleo. We got the number plate and we do have a name for the suspect, we are looking for her now, so hopefully soon we will have a insight to where Miss Moore is.

"God I love Ashlynn for getting a camera" I spoke.

"Me too, me too" Gina replied.

Ashlynns POV

"Tell me one thing, how did you know where to find me?"

"Okay, I'll tell you, only because someone needs to hear my brilliant plan. so here it is, as soon as I saw the pictures of Chris and "mystery girl", I felt my anger boil up, I wanted Chris, but once I got a closer look I realised I recognised you from a wedding, I went to about 2years ago, you were the photographer, it was my cousins wedding. So I got your name from my cousin and found your old place of work. I then completed work experience at your old job to get all your details which were still on the data base and abracadabra I found your house. And soon you'll hopefully die of malnutrition and then I will "accidentally bump" into Chris and we will fall in love"

"You went through all that" I sobbed. "To get me...you're crazy"

"I not" she defended. "I'm in love"

"You're obsessed, not in love"

The next day was the same, she came and dropped food off and then left. It was now her second visit of the day for her to bring my bread and water. She came up dropped it off and went to leave. As she was turning around to leave the door flew open and police ran in.

"Charlotte Baker get down on the ground your under arrest!" One police man shouted.

Another came up to me. "Ashlynn Moore right?"

"Yes" I replied, tired and weak.

"We are going to get you help but you're safe now"

"Thank you"

I was in the hospital bed when I heard the door open.

"Chris" I began to cry.

"Don't cry honey"

"I love you"

"I love you, They said you can go home now" Chris reassured me.

"I need to sleep" I spoke.

"Come on then, let's get you home"

The ride home was weird, it was the first time in a few days that I felt some slight comfort but I still didn't feel completely comfortable. It was an odd feeling. It now felt different with Chris. Not sure why but it did.

Once we got home we lay in bed straight away and I was the first to speak.

"Chris" I gulped.

"Yes Ash"

"I don't think I can do this anymore" I cried.

"Do what? Ash?" He sounded worried.

"I don't think I can be with you anymore, she wanted me to die, so she could love you and you love her, I'm scared it'll happen again and I don't want that fear in my mind" I began crying.

"I'll protect you" he started crying.

"That's just not possible with the lives we live, we'll be in different places often, I don't want to do this but I just don't think I can live with the thought in my mind"

"I love you Ash"

"I love you Chris and this is so hard but I'm going to also have to ask you to not contact me and see me I just think it's the safest way"

"I understand, but I'm going to stay until you fall asleep"

"Okay" we were both crying but I felt so unsafe being around him now after the reason to why she wanted me to die. I don't blame Chris but knowing that there are other people out there who hate me just as much as she hates me because of him. I felt this was the best option.

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