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Later on in the evening it was nearing dinner time.

"I'm getting hungry, as always!" I admitted.

"Me too, how about I cook tonight, my Ma being the most amazing Ma there is stocked my fridge and cupboards before we got here"

"She really is the best, so what are you thinking of cooking?"

"How about a curry?"

"Sounds perfect."

We both walked into the Kitchen and I sat on the counter.

"Do you want me to help with anything?" I wondered.

"No thank you" Chris said as he moved my legs apart and stood in between them and then kissed me.

Our heads were pressed against eachothers.

"Please can you start cooking, I'm very hungry" I whispered.

"Is that an order Captain Britain?"

"It is Captain America!"

Chris started cooking and we got to talking,

"So are you excited to work on the set of the next marvel film?"

"You wouldn't believe how fucking excited I am! I have never really done a project like this before, normally it's been weddings and a bit of modelling photography, I've never been on a film set before, but I've always wanted to see what it's like!"

"Film sets are incredible, they are one of the few places where I forget about everything and just enjoy  the moment. My anxiety gets so high in certain places but on a film set I feel free, I just embrace the character I'm playing."

"Do you ever get trapped in a character or feel yourself becoming that person your playing?"

"I mean, sometimes I can feel like I've brought my work home but once I'm with my family or friends I snap out of it, I just need to be brought back to reality sometimes!"

"I can imagine, you do play these people for months and months so I can understand you bringing it home, although I wouldn't mind you bringing a bit of Steve Rogers home. Oh the dominance he would have, wait did I just say that out loud?"

"Yup" Chris chuckled.

Chris then walked over to me and put his hands on my legs. "So you like dominance then?"

"Well I'm not going to say no, so yes" I smirked.

"Good to know, good to know."

Chris carried on making the curry and about 30minutes later it was ready.

"Dinner is served!"

"This is incredible Chris! When did you learn to cook?"

"Well whenever I'm off work, I just spend time in the kitchen cooking and trying new recipes, especially because I live alone as I either have to cook a decent meal or order a takeaway. So I just spent time learning different things.

"That's so cool. I'm definitely more of a baker than a cook."

"We are like the dream team then, I do the cooking and you do the baking!"


We finished our food and tidied up. We went to sit out side, the air was cool but not cold. A beer in our hands and we sat on the deck chairs. And were both looking up at the sky.

"Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you made one slightly different decision?" I wondered.

"Always, I think about how if I didn't go for a walk after the premier I would have never met you, and would have never had the experience of what we have had in 8days."

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