First Date

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Ashlynn and Chris both made it back to Ashlynn's homes ready for the food delivery to come.

Someone's phone started ringing.

"Oh my, it's my Ma again"

"Aww, that's cute, answer it then" I chuckled.

This time Chris stayed with Ashlynn in the lounge as he answered the phone.

"Hey Ma, are you okay? I only spoke to you yesterday!"

"Ye, ye I'm fine, but there are more pictures of you and Ashlynn and you do look a perfect couple. How's it going?"

"Well, I'm sat here with Ashlynn right now, so I think it's going well"

"Oh Chris let me say hi!"

"Okay, okay I'll put you on speaker phone."

Chris then directed me to say hi to Chris's mother.

"Hiya Mrs Evans"

"Hello Ashlynn and please call me Lisa, you have a beautiful accent Ashlynn!"

"Thank you, so do you and plus you have a beautiful son" I smiled.

"Well thank you."

It most definitely made Chris smile.

I could tell that it made Lisa smile aswell.

"Oh Ma!"

"Yes Chris"

"Ashlynn will be coming with me to Boston on Friday " Chris admitted.

"Really? What? I now get to meet this gorgeous and loveliest girl"

This made Ashlynn tear up a bit and Chris noticed.

"Yes you do, I'll call you on Friday before we leave, but we got to go now, bye Ma."

"Bye Chris, bye Ashlynn"

Holding back the tears I was able to say a quick goodbye to Lisa.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Yes, well yes and no, I've fallen in love with your  Mum already, she's incredible, but I miss the fact that I never had a Mum like that, my mums a bitch let's be honest and yours is the mother I've always dreamed of. Don't get me wrong I am extremely excited to meet her but I know it's going to be hard to see you with her and the relationship you have with her, compared to my fucked up relationship with my mum."

"Come here" Chris pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. "Yes your mother was definitely not the best and you don't have a good relationship with her, but when you have children you can treat them how you wanted to be treated, you can become the mother you never had and that'll be so much more rewarding. Plus I know that my mother will treat you like her child, you will get to experience it I promise."

"I can't wait to have my own children and be the most God damn best fucking mum ever"

"I know you will be" we smiled.

"I may risk sounding crazy right now but I'm going to say it anyway, this relationship thing that we have constructed in only 4 days is something I've never experienced before. But I like it, a lot. I know we are moving very fast, I mean you met my mum for gods sake and I'm about to meet yours but I like what we are doing and I feel like we both know where's it's heading to." I confessed.

"I completely agree, I have never moved so quickly with someone than I have with you, normally I have to know them for a few weeks at least before they meet my Ma but with you it's completely different, because I know that this isn't a short term thing. I think we both know we are in it for the long haul. The connection we have is something I never thought I would ever experience."

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