Secret Bar

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It was about 1pm at this point, no one wanted lunch yet so I thought we could get some drinks and some snacks from this bar I know.

"Ashlynn it looks closed" Downey pointed out.

"That may be because it doesn't open until 3pm but I know that the boss, my friend Justin, comes into work at 12:30pm on a Saturday to tidy up from the night before and deal with bills, so whenever he's here he says I can come in when I want to." I explained.

I began calling Justin to let us in and as soon as we walked in, he began freaking out. Justin was also a huge Marvel fan too, but he loved Hemsworth, unfortunately for him, Hemsworth was already married.

"So everyone this is Justin, Justin this is..."

Justin cut me off "not to be weird but of course I know who they are, you know I love the MCU Ashlynn!"

"Well nice to meet you!" RDJ said while shaking Justin's hand.

"That is true, we sometimes have marvel movie nights or even for the full weekend"

I turned over to look at Chris "do you know who I think is one of the hottest people in marvel is?"

"Thor" Chris said way too quickly.

"Nope, Jonny Storm, ooo he really does stuff for me" and then I carried on talking to Justin and left Chris there giving me an odd look, I wasn't too sure what it meant, but I don't think it was a bad look.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to make up some drinks and maybe bring us over some crisps or something, you guys do eat food right?"

This made them all laugh, I even got Chris to grab his left boob again.

"Yes, luckily because we aren't filming at the moment!" Mark pointed out.

"Okay great, so what does everyone want? And Justin can we just have whatever snacks you have."

"Yes of course, just let me know what drinks you want once you've decided."

"Thank you love."

"So what does everyone want to drink?"

"What are you having?" Chris pondered.

"Well I was just actually going to have a pint of Peroni as it's on draught here and draught beer is always better than bottled, plus I'm not really a cocktail person so I just stay clear of them."

"You know what I'll have the same as you!"

"I think everyone's ready to order, I'll have a Peroni please"

"Same here" Chris added.

The rest picked what they wanted and then we all sat down by a table, the order of the people around the table went, myself, Chris E, Chris H, Arron, Paul on one side and then Elizabeth, Scarlet,Jeremy, RDJ, Mark on the opposite side. On my side was like a booth type seat and the opposite side was separated seats.

Justin then brought our drinks over and the snacks, which was mainly crisps and peanuts and we all sat there drinking, eating and talking.

At one point I felt Chris's leg up against mine and then he rested he hand down on the seat next to me, so I decided to put mine down on top of his, once I knew we were both comfortable, I slowly lifted his hand onto my thigh which was a better position. Through this whole process I kept glancing over at Chris and we would give each other a wide smile. Everything that we were doing we both felt happy and content with, we both just felt so comfortable around each other so quickly. We were both relaxed and just kept talking to everyone through the whole process.

"So how's everyone enjoying London?"

"It's incredible, but you are making this experience so much better Ashlynn, thank you" Elizabeth thanked me.

Everyone else seemed to agree with her.

"Well I'm glad everyone is enjoying it, I hope you enjoy the rest of your time here."

Everyone thanked me for saying that.

Everyone then split into separate conversations, on my end of the table Elizabeth and Scarlet were too busy talking so I was just talking to Chris.

"So I actually do need to go home at some point today, I know that Gina has my suit case and has taken it home for me but I need to go see my bubba, so I was wondering if you wanted you can come with me?"

"Yes!" Chris expressed really excitedly.

"You just want to meet my dog don't you?"


"But also I want to see your little home you've created."

"That sounds good to me, I'm sure Marvel is going to love you."

"I hope he does" said Chris with lots of hope in his eyes.

It was later on in the day now and everyone had had a few drinks each, plus Justin actually made us some food as well. So everyone was ready to go back to the hotel. We all said our goodbyes to Justin and Chris E even gave him a huge tip, which Justin was very thankful for. We walked out and made our way back to hotel 41, where they were all staying. Once we made it back everyone headed for their rooms, I think for a nap to be honest. I walked with Chris to his room. Chris collected a few things he needed and we ordered an Uber to take us back to my house. Once the Uber arrived, we got in and made our way there.

About 40mins later we arrived at my home.

"You know what, I dreamt about having a tiny home my entire life, something that's cosy and just very homely."

"It's a beautiful home"

"Why thank you love."

Chris seemed to love it when Ashlynn called anyone Love but when she called him love it felt even more special.

As soon as I opened the door my bubba, my baby, my Marvel ran at us, his little chunky body pounding towards us.

"He is the cutest little pup I've seen In a long time" Chris began with. "I want marvel cuddles"

"Go ahead!"

I directed Chris to the lounge with Marvel and they were sat in the sofa.

"Do you want a drink?" I shouted from the kitchen, which was only a couple feet away from the lounge.

"Ye, what ever you've got!"

"Okay I'll bring it through now!"

As I was grabbing a couple of Coronas from the fridge I felt Chris waiting at the door frame, so I turned around to face him.

"You good?"

"Yep, just came you ask you something."

"What would that be?"

"Would I be crazy if I kissed you right now?"

"Not sure, but what's wrong with a bit of crazy right?"

And with that Chris walked over to me, cupped my face in his hands, I looked up and he looked down at me, we both smiled and then we slowly went toward each other and soon enough our lips met.

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