05. Beautiful.

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05. Beautiful.

Skyler's Pov.

"I'm starvin'. Let's grab somethin' to eat, a'ight? I guess we've done enough for today."

A bit taken back by his suggestion I simply nodded obeying his order to stand up, grabbing my stuff and following him out of the room.

We walked in a comfortable silence and when we arrived in front of the studio building's exit he stopped putting his hood on and glimpsed at me as I put my big black Chanel sunglasses on that matched my tight black pencil skirt and the plain black heels I was wearing. {Outfit on the side}

"C'mon." He said as he opened the gate for me.

Happily there weren't any photographs out here so we could untroubled walk towards the parking lot and since it didn't looked like he would ask me where my car was parked I quietly followed him to a matte black Mercedes which I assumed was his or at least his rental car for the reason that Em took out car keys and moments later you could hear it open.

"You comin' or nah?" He grinned slightly at me while he uncapped the car door.

Breaking away from my stare on his awesome car I started moving to get inside.

When I finally sat down I smiled at him "Nice car."

"I know." He said confidently and shortly looked over to me before turning the Benz on and backing out of the parking space.

I couldn't suppress a smile as he speeded up to boast a bit and kept glancing at me. It was incredible how hot he looked while driving.

"Where we goin'?" I asked staring at his beautiful features.

His bright blue eyes wandered to me "To some lil' diner I found the first time I was in L.A. It's pretty small and inconspicuous but it has great burgers."

Still smiling I mildly nodded totally agreeing with it.

Eminem didn't seemed to notice that since he questioned appearing to be a bit unsure "You okay with that?"


The rest of the ride was filled with talking and me laughing about his jokes. I loved his humor and how he was always able to make me laugh even though I wasn't a person that giggled at everything like a little girl or showed my amusement about something to everybody.

"We have to walk a bit." He said as we both got out of the car.

"A'ight." I looked at him "Which way?"

He pointed to a small alley on my left. Nobody was in sight therefore we were able to calmly walk to the diner.

It was already starting to dawn and the alley was quite dark for which reason I was really glad Eminem stayed close at my side and constantly glimpsed down at me. I felt pretty safe with Em at my side and also kept looking up to him since he was a bit taller than me even though I was wearing heels.

Every time our eyes met I had to concentrate so I wouldn't trip or forget to keep walking for the reason that his eyes kinda had a hypnotic effect on me.

The walk didn't took long but was really lovely caused by our pleasant conversation and the way he remained to hold just a tiny distance between us.

The entrance of the diner was small and I assumed that it was quite easy to overlook since it only was a nondescript old door with a little sign. I wondered how Em even found it.

Once again he held the door open for me but this time I actually caught him checking my ass out what made me grin and let me feel good about myself causing my confidence to grow a bit.

Happily the old-fashioned cute looking diner was, except for one waiter, completely empty and seemed to be very romantic because of the dimmed light, the slow music in the background and the whole furnishings.

I smiled at Em as he stood next to me and commanded the waiter with a simple nod to come over. After that he looked down at me returning my smile and showed his small dimples.

As the young waiter arrived in front of us he focused his stare on me and his eyes went all over my body making me feel slightly uncomfortable for which reason I stepped closer to Eminem hoping he would do something against it.

Fortunately he did by clearing his throat, sternly glaring at him and striding protectively in front of me "I don't want anyone to come in here and disturb us, okay?"

There was no chance the waiter would refuse Em's order for the fact that his tone made sure there was no way the guy could ever reject his command.

Cowed he slowly nodded and told us quietly "You can sit down wherever you want I'll be there in a few minutes to take your orders."

Em didn't answered he just grabbed my hip slightly and walked me past the waiter ramming his should into his.

He guided me to a small and a bit hidden table that looked quite fancy. After sitting down he handed me the menus for which reason I thanked him. I started reading in it and decided to take a pasta dish since I was a vegetarian and there wasn't much to choose.

Feeling his eyes on me I looked up to Em and caught him staring at me why I chuckled "What?"

"Nothin'." He said as his right eye started to twitch. It looked so damn cute.

"You just look beautiful." Eminem added obviously trying to hide the fact that he wasn't sure if he should have said this at all.

I felt my cheeks heating up and was nearly swallowing on my own saliva. It really scared me that he was able to make me blush since nobody else was, for the fact that I was mostly hiding it when compliments or different things actually mean something to me.

"Thank you, Em." I whispered staring in his incredible eyes.

He cracked a smile but seemed to be deep in thoughts before he answered "Call me Marshall."


A/N: I really hope you guys like it and I want to thank you for every single read, vote and comment! And damn! I already got 400 Reads! Thank you so much!


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