23. Detroit.

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23. Detroit.

Skyler's Pov.

Three months have passed and by now I was growing irritated. Marshall and I still were not official but kept hooking up whenever we saw each other. Our so called 'relationship' was just not moving forward and it was stressing me out.

Since the VMA's nothing had changed. It always was the same. We spent a lot of time together, had fun, talked much and made out even more. And honestly, as much as I enjoyed his company, I did not like to be just the girl he made out with whenever he felt like it. I just was not that type of person and if things do not change, I will most defiantly not continue this 'relationship'.

So here I was, confused and saddened, sitting in a private jet on my way to Detroit to work with Marshall and his producers on my next album, hoping not only my album but also Marshall and I's situation would turn out well.

I was going to stay in Detroit for a few months and was more than curious what the time there would bring.

Never have I ever been this nervous to go somewhere to work, let alone to meet Marshall. I was curious how Marshall would introduce me to his colleagues that mainly consisted of his good friends.
Was he going to introduce me as someone he only works with or someone he also liked seeing in his spare time? Was I that important to him that he would show that to his friends as well? Or would he pull the typical 'guy move', as Rihanna and I called it, and in front of his friend act like this thing between us was nothing and not serious at all? Was this even serious to him anymore? I mean at one point he told me that he wanted this to become something serious. However, by now I was not so sure about that anymore. Maybe I was just a fling to him. Or an easy number. Even if we did not have sex yet.

My mind truly was going crazy right now and I cowardly, already feared the landing. This was nothing like me. I was a strong and independent woman, no one dared to mess with and now look at me. I was scared of an encounter with someone I met up quite a few times and what he told his friends about me. Why was I being so unconfident? I thought I left this behind me after graduating. I had never fall back to that until now. But I guess this is what being in love means. Doubting things because they subconsciously mean a lot to you.

And yes, you read it right. I was in love with Marshall. I was sure of that by now. But did he know? No, probably not. And it was going to stay that way until I was a hundred percent sure he was too.

Marshall was the first guy I ever fell for. Meaning, I had no idea what to do and how to properly show it. Therefore I was trying to be careful since I did not want to get my heart broken.

Oh Marshall, you confused the hell out of me.

A voice interrupted my thinking. "Ms. Harris, I just wanted to inform you that we'll land in Detroit in ten minutes."

Only nodding my head as a response, I stared out of the window, noticing the landscape underneath me getting closer and closer by time.

I sighed as I felt the wheels of the airplane connecting with the ground. There was no going back now.

Waiting as long as possible to get up, I slowly left the jet and walked down the stairs, noticing the black car and a few bodyguards awaiting me.

I politely got greeted and told that they would instantly drive me to the Shady Records' studio since my flight was late and my appointment with Marshall was in about half an hour. They would also bring my luggage to the hotel room I was going to stay in.

The car ride was silent and the only thing I noticed was my heart that seemed to jump out of my chest any second. That was how nervous I was.

After a time, the car came to a halt and the door was opened. I hesitated before actually getting out of the car and being blinded by flashlights. Did I ever mentioned that I hated paparazzi?

Escorted by three huge security guards, I finally entered the Shady Records building. An employee instantly came up to me to guide me to the room Marshall and his friends were in.

Happily, she left me alone before I had knocked at the door. Taking a deep breath, I looked down at me one last time. I was wearing a dark and very tight skirt that reached my knees and a slightly see-through jersey, combined with black colored pumps. (A/N: picture on top). Checking if everything was in place, I once stroked my long hair and I raised my hand sighing. Quietly I knocked at the door.

I was told to come in and did as told, my heart beating faster as usually.

Entering the room as gracile as possible, my eyes wandered over the people in the room. About five guys sat in a corner on a huge leather couch and stared at me intently.

One of them was Marshall, who at first did not make an attempt to stand up to greet me but ended up walking towards me.

"Hey, Skyler." He greeted me with a neutral expression and hugged me. However, the hug was not like any of the other hugs we shared. It was short and cold. Like I was a random person he barely even knew. Ouch.

He turned back to his friends. "Guys, this is Skyler. I already told you that we're going to work with her on her new album."

The four got up and came towards me. The first one to approach me was a short, skinny, dark skinned man with many tattoos and sunglasses covering his eyes. He took my hand in his, gave it a kiss and said. "I'm Royce and I have to admit you're even more beautiful than I imaged."

I thanked him and slowly took a step back. Wow, this was starting out just great.

The next one to greet me was cute man with a round face, called Denaun. After him came Bizarre, a chubby and quite funny dude. The last one was Swifty. I did not think there was much to say about him yet, except for the fact that he seemed to be very calm.

During the greetings, Marshall stood next to me in silence and watched what happened. However, after the greetings were done he cleared his throat. "Well, uh, not every one of the guys are going to be here every time. Most time it will only be you, Denaun, Bizarre and me."

I only nodded my head, studying his face. It was blank and showed no affection towards me or what so ever. What did he thought he was doing acting like nothing happened between us except for a collaboration?


A/N: I hope you like it!


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