08. Tension.

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08. Tension.

➳ Skyler's Pov.

"Not bad."

Turning back to face the piano, I tried to hide the fact that I was blushing like crazy and muttered "Thank you." under my breath.

I heard him coming closer to me and as he stood right behind me, he cleared his throat "So don't you wanna greet me properly?"

After I made a U-turn, I saw him smirking at me widely for which reason I smiled shyly, standing up and pulling him into a close hug while whispering a small 'hi' in his ear. He dragged me even closer to his muscular body and murmured a few words into my neck which I couldn't quite made out, but still sent a shiver down my spine.

Our hug lasted pretty long since he didn't seem to want letting me go and to be honest neither did I. His breath tickled my neck and I felt really safe and comfortable in his arms.

As we pulled away from each other, he eyed me up and broke the silence between us "Let's finish the song so we can start recording tomorrow or the day after."

Nodding I gathered my stuff together and followed him to the table, noticing his piercing stare on me.

It didn't even took an hour to finish the redrafting for the fact that Marshall and I worked really concentrated and only shared a few glances and not small conversations or jokes as always.

When we were done and both completely satisfied with it, we randomly started talking and after a while he kept quiet before looking at me sternly and asking "Dre and Paul met up with you before we met the first time, right?"

"Yeah." I confirmed, causing him to frown and questioning, sounding a bit angry "Why?"

I just shrugged not knowing what to answer "Their visit wasn't quite useful though."

"What did they say to you?" Em growled. I wondered why he even came up with this topic just now.

His stare got harder every second I didn't answered. Why the fuck was he acting like this?

"Just tell me." He clenched his jaw. What the hell?

I sighed in annoyance, not wanting to tell what they said to me at all "They just informed me about somethin'."

"About what?" He spat "Was it about me?"

Rolling my eyes I bitched back "Firstly don't fucking talk to me like that. Secondly not the whole world is about you, asshole. There are people that actually don't give a single fuck who you are and what you've reached. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have like mood swings or somethin'?"

"Shut up, you fucking bitch and just answer me for fuck's sake. For your knowledge I'm definitely not the one with the mood swings, fucking git. I only asked one simple question and you're just being a total bitch and don't answering me." He gritted his teeth in rage but somehow looking turned on likewhat the hell? Okay, I had to admit he does look freaking hot while he's angry.

Marshall stared at me with cold eyes but clearly also with a bit desire and once again I asked myself why the heck he was acting like this. It's not like Dre said something bad and neither did Paul.

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