64 ↝ Notebook Moment

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"Got these feelings that I'm tired of holding on,
Wasn't tryin' to get wasted,
I needed more than three or four to say this."
Wait — Maroon 5

"Ready?" Hunter's voice calls, and I shake my head vigorously, clinging onto his wet leather jacket.


"Alex, you've been on this before." I feel Hunter's body rumble as he laughs. My teeth are starting to chatter from the cold, my hair is a damp mess. The two of us are perched on top of his bike, heavy rain pelting down on us like buckets of icy shards.

"Not in the rain, not when you're planning to go really fast!" I whine, blinking away water that's dripping into my eyes.

Hunter lets out another chuckle, turning around in the seat so that he's facing me. His hands, cold from the rain, come up to cup my cheeks.

"Trust me, baby. You know I'd never let anything happen to you." Leaning in, he presses his mouth against mine, kissing me softly to calm me down and distract me. And it works.

"Okay." I breathe out. "I can't believe you dragged me out here while I was so cosy watching Supernatural just so you can take me on a ride in your bike in the bloody rain!"

"I just wanna show you how good it feels." He replies, buckling a helmet on my head, fastening it under my chin.

He puts one on himself as well, and I help him with it. Hunter turns back in his seat before reaching behind and grabbing my thighs, pulling me forward flush against his back. I wrap my hands around his torso, resting my chin on his shoulder, the heat evaporating from his body comforting.

We're right outside the soccer house, and the street is seemingly empty. The rain is causing a light fog, and I can't see the distance. Letting out a breath, and praying to god that I end up in heaven if we die today, I squeeze my legs around Hunter's.

He revs the engine, the powerful machine coming alive underneath us. I'm not exactly sure what kind of bike this is, but it's Hunter's, so I know it's a crazy good model and definitely one of the racing ones.

"Hold on tight, Peach." Hunter says, and before I can respond, he's pulling into the road. I barely have time to catch my breath, because as soon as he's in the middle of the street he takes off in a flash.

The droplets of rain zip against us, feeling like pricks of small needles on my skin, the trees and houses becoming a blur all around me. A yelp escapes me as I cling onto Hunter like it's life or death, adrenaline surging through my veins. A few minutes later, I get over my initial shock, my muscles relax, and I find myself liking the wind howling in my ears, the rain hammering down on us.

"Holy shit!" I yell, a grin forming on my lips as Hunter makes a turn, the tires squealing against the asphalt.

My body feels lighter, and I feel like I'm flying as we speed past another neighbourhood. I'm drenched to the bone, and I can feel the chill settling in my body, but right now, I don't care, feeling drugged in the feeling of pure ecstacy.

I don't even realise how much time has passed until Hunter halts in front of the soccer house again, and the rain has lessened from the initial downpour to just a light simmer. My breaths come out in pants as I slip off from the bike, my thighs and arms sore from holding onto Hunter so tightly. Peeling the helmet off, my grinning face meets Hunter's when he takes off his helmet too, an identical smile on his mouth.

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