14 ↝ Late Night Munchies

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"I can feel your heart hanging in the air,
I'm counting every step
as you climb the stairs,
It's buried in your bones,
I see it in your closed eyes."
- Hurricane by Fleurie

This is probably the latest I have stayed out since the incident.

After hanging out for awhile more at the Halloween party, we decided to take off. Well, Hunter decided. I just went with it, because I'm exhausted and still a little drunk.

I stifle a yawn with the back of my hand as I follow Hunter up the porch steps of the soccer house, trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

The house is dark and empty, as most of the boys are still at the party. Hunter uses his key to open the door and lets us in, and I troop inside after him. The dim light from the kitchen is the only source of light as we both climb upstairs, and I follow him into his room.

In my drunken state, I fall onto his bed, relishing in his duvet that smells like him.

Hunter disappears into his closet, and returns with a plain white t-shirt that's obviously going to be too big for me, and another pair of new boxers, judging by the price tag that's still attached.

"Here." He hands it to me, and I hover for a few moments before striding into his attached bathroom. I take a quick shower, before drying myself off and slipping into his clothes.

When I walk back to the bedroom, Hunter is there, his hair wet as well, clad in a pair of sweats and a plain navy blue tank top that shows off his toned arms. He's standing with his back to me, on his phone.

"You could've waited." I say softly, biting my lip, referring to the fact that he must've used another bathroom while I was using his.

He turns around, and his eyes immediately take in my body. When his eyes meet mine again, they're cloudy, heavy with an emotion I can't pinpoint. I can never read his emotions and expressions.

"It's alright." He says, looking away from me and back to his phone. He locks it and slips it into his pocket.

"You can take the bed, I'll take the couch downstairs."

"No," The words leave my lips abruptly before I can stop them. Hunter's eyes snap up to mine, head tilted questioningly, waiting for me to elaborate.

"Um... I mean, stay here. Don't sleep downstairs." I reply, feeling a little guilty that I'm taking his bed.

His eyes study mine as he ponders for a moment, before finally replying. "Okay."

A few minutes later, I'm snuggled underneath his covers, his big soft pillows surrounding me and his comfortable duvet up to my chin. Hunter had dragged in an inflatable air mattress a few minutes ago and set it up at the foot of the bed. I gave him a pillow, and he'd brought his own duvet from somewhere else. I can't see him, but I feel his presence. I always do.

"I want ice cream." I blurt out, instantly regretting the words the second they flew out of my mouth.

The alcohol blurs my head's filter, causing me to say things that I wouldn't have the guts to say sober. The last thing I want to do is trouble him more than I already have for tonight. I sit up slowly, and he sits up as well. He stares at me silently for a moment, probably wondering if I'm serious. When I remain silent as well, he realises that I'm not kidding.

I could've sworn that a ghost of a smile danced on his lips as he got to his feet.

"Come on."

I follow him downstairs to the kitchen, our bare feet padding against the hardwood floors. The blue glow from pool lights that pours into the kitchen from the floor to ceiling glass windows is the only source of light, but it's enough for us to vaguely be able to see ourselves around.

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