12 ↝ Epitome Of Attraction

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"It's obvious you're meant for me,
Every piece of you, it just fits perfectly.
Every second, every thought,
I'm in so deep, but I'll never
show it on my face."
- Secret Love Song by Little Mix

I take down the shot of tequila that one of my teammates had thrust onto my hand, the fiery liquid burning my throat as I lick the salt off the rim

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I take down the shot of tequila that one of my teammates had thrust onto my hand, the fiery liquid burning my throat as I lick the salt off the rim.

The salt pinches my tongue, and I lick my lips, setting the glass down.

"Hey Hunter." I hear Maya's voice purr, and I look up to see her walking to me, clad in a skimpy white nurse's uniform.

"Maya." I reply curtly, pouring a cup with some Coke to drown the taste of the tequila still lingering in my mouth, before turning around and leaning against the wall to observe the party. My eyes search the room, and I see Nessa and Kiara dancing, throwing their hands in the air.

My brows furrow slightly when I don't see the brunette that usually sticks with them.

"Do you want to go upstairs and find an empty room? Maya says, running her grossly long talon-like nails up my arm.

I move away from her a little, feeling a little creeped out by how freakishly long her fake nails are. They're at least three inches long and painted a brown colour that looks like dog shit.

"Not now, Maya." I reply, not even bothering to look at her as I push myself off of the wall and walk to the kitchen, my eyes searching for Alex.

She's hard to miss, in that tight little skirt that makes her ass look amazing, and the fishnet stockings clinging on to her thick thighs that made my chest feel heavy when I first saw her. Not to mention the blood red lipstick she wore on those plump lips of hers made me want to do unspeakable things.

It took me a lot of willpower to look away when I first saw her. Every atom in my body wanted to stare at her in that sexy costume all night, my hands aching to touch the exposed skin of her collarbone and stomach.

I look around the kitchen, and still don't see her. Walking back to the living room where the dancing is happening, I scan the crowd once again. I don't know why exactly I'm looking for her, but the heavy feeling settling in my stomach when I don't see her anywhere with our friends makes me agitated.

"Hey, man." Oliver approaches me, throwing an arm around my shoulder. "What's got you ticked off?"

"Did you see Alex?" I ask straightforwardly, meeting his eyes. Oliver senses my urgency and nods.

"Uh, yeah. Saw her going upstairs a few minutes ago." He jabs his thumb towards the staircase a few feet away from us.

"Thanks." I pat his shoulder, before heading over to the stairs and climbing up. The hallway that I come across is empty, and I'm about to continue going up the stairs to the second floor when I see one of the doors ajar, a dim light coming from it.

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