Ch. 17: Swear it

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*Third person POV*

Y/n and Minho emerged through the woods side by side, and were on their way back to eat dinner with everyone else. As they opened the doors, everyone turned around to look at them, considering the two had made a pretty big scene beforehand.

"What's everyone looking at? Don't act like you've never seen us before." Y/n said while rolling her eyes and going back to their table. Minho just chuckled at her remark and followed her.

"Where's Gally?" Minho asked, slightly relieved that he was gone now.

"Oh he went to bed early." replied Thomas. Minho just nodded.

Y/n and Minho decided to sit next together and continued to eat as if they hadn't just confessed their love for each other and kissed in the map room a few minutes prior. Teresa, however, could definitely suspect that something happened. She gave Y/n a look, and she just smirked. That's when Teresa knew for sure that she would be hearing a story later tonight.

But dinner was over rather quickly for the two since most of that time was spent in the map room. Before the two went their separate ways, Minho pulled the y/h/c girl into a warm embrace.

"Goodnight beautiful." He whispered before letting her go.

"Goodnight." she said blowing him a kiss, walking back to room.

When she opened her door, she was met with a bored looking Teresa, who's eyes immediately lit up when she entered the room.

"Yes finally you're back! I need to know everything. Because I know for a fact that the two of you didn't just 'talk out' your problems in the map room." she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Eww shut up." Y/n laughed, throwing a pillow at her as she sat down

"But yes, we did do a little more than just talk."

"Ha! I knew it! You told him how you felt, didn't you?"

"Ok look, before I tell you anything, you have to swear, on everything, that you won't say a word about this conversation to anyone. I'm not technically allowed to date anyone per Alby's stupid rules. So if he hears about this, both Minho and I are dead. Got it?"

Technically, y/n wasn't supposed to tell anyone about her and Minho, but best friends don't count right?

"Girl you know I got you. I'd never say a word. I swear it." Teresa held out her pinky. Y/n smiled and connected it with her own.

"Alright. Well um actually, he told me how he felt first. I on the other hand couldn't even form a sentence. I was at a complete loss for words when he confessed. I mean when I tell you it was like something straight out of a movie."

"Oh my gosh that's so cute! So I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and assume you guys kissed, did he initiate that too?"

"Uh no, I did actually." She giggled nervously.

"Awwww. See I knew you guys would end up together. You guys were practically meant to be together. It's like the classic best friends to lovers trope, but more adventurous since you gotta keep it a secret." Both girls laughed at the comment.

"Yeah I guess. We could be main characters in a movie if we were interesting enough." Y/n said sarcastically.

"Haha yeah. Well we should probably get to bed. That way you can wake up early enough to see your new boyfriend tomorrow morning."

"Shut up. Goodnight."


*the next morning*

Y/n and Minho met up at the maze entrance. But this time, the air between them was different. After last night, neither of them could think about anything but seeing each other again.

She had a huge smile on her face as she approached him, although she tried to conceal it, and Minho's expression mirrored hers.



Minho moved closer to her, closing the distance to pull her into a hug. Y/n stared up at him with love in her eyes, and he took his eyes off of hers for only a split second to glance at her lips.

The lovesick girl would've leaned in to kiss him if she hadn't been interrupted yet again by Thomas that he was 'still here'.

"You know if you guys are gonna act like this every morning you see each other, maybe I'll just get here a little later next time."

You backed away, now feeling slightly awkward.

"Act like what, Thomas? We simply said good morning to each other." Minho asked annoyed.

"Yeah, and you two are looking at each other like you're about to make out. But it's fine, I know last time you said it was nothing so I'll just stand over here and mind my business." Thomas replied with a shrug.

"Yes Thomas, please for once mind your own business. I think every one of us would benefit from that." Said Minho. Y/n smacked his arm lightly at the rude remark, although Minho just shrugged it off. Thomas just rolled his eyes at Minho's comment and walked closer to the maze.

"Really Minho?"

"What? You have to admit, he's always in everyone's business."

"We'll yeah I guess he is sometimes, but still."

"But you know, he was right about one thing."

"Hm what's that?"

He pulled her close to him and leaned down to her ear, so close that she could feel his lips brushing against her skin.

"That I wanna kiss you so badly right now." he whispered. Y/n's eyes widened at the comment as she felt butterflies swarming her stomach. Before she could respond, the screeching of the maze doors echoed through the glade, and Minho pulled away, his touch still lingering.

"I'll see you later Y/n." She just nodded still in a daze. Minho smirked, he had once again, left her at a loss for words.

A/N: This one's a little shorter than normal, but the next one will be a bit longer. Also, we are nearing the end of this book! So stay tuned for the next few chapters, and as always, thanks for reading.

Forbidden love: A Minho Maze Runner ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now