Chapter 2: the maze

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*Minho's POV*
I woke up at my usual time, right before sunrise. I checked my watch and saw that it was 6:00 and began getting ready. I found my shoes and my pack and put it on, along with my knife just incase. Then I made my way to the "bathroom", if you can even call it that, and brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, and washed my face.

After doing this I went to the homestead for breakfast, which is usually where y/n and I meet up before our run. I got confused as I walked over there and didn't see her, because she never leaves without me.

"Hey Newt! You seen y/n?" I asked jogging over to him.
"Nope. I think she overslept again mate." Newt replied while laughing.
"Shoulda known." I said as I threw my trash away and went to her room. Everyone else slept on hammocks, but since she's the only girl, and alby's sister, she gets her own room. Lucky shank.

I finally made it and banged on the door.
"Y/n get up! You were supposed to be ready an hour ago!" I yelled. No response.
"Y/n!" Still nothing.
'Ugh you've gotta be kidding me I swear she gives zero shucks about any of the rules here.' I mumbled to myself.
"Ok I'm coming in now." I warned before opening the door. As I went inside I saw y/n sprawled out in the middle of her bed, her hair covering her face, with her covers half hanging over the bed. I sighed and walked over to her picking up one of the pillows off the floor and hitting her in the head with it.
"Oww what was that for?" she said turning towards me but still lying down.
"I said get up shuckface" she just groaned and mumbled incoherent things to herself and pulled the covers over her again.
"Five more minutes."
"Nope we're already getting a late start so get up. Now." I said taking the covers. She curled up and complained once again as the cold air hit her body.
"Minhoooo!" She said sitting up pouting. I just stood there with my arms crossed until she finally gave in.
"Fine ok I'll get up."

She lazily got out of bed and went over to her makeshift dresser to get her clothes.
"You're just gonna stand there and watch me change? Wow what a creep." she joked. I just rolled my eyes and turned to leave.
"You have five minutes." And with that I closed the door and waited. To my surprise, she was actually ready in five minutes.
"Wow that was fast, especially for you."
"Oh please don't act like you could've done it."
"I could do it actually."
"No because you always take like three hours to get your hair 'just right' "
"Ok well it takes time to look this good." I said motioning to myself.
"You're so full of yourself." She laughed.

By this time we had almost gotten to the maze.
"Hey wait I didn't get breakfast!" she called out.
"Breakfast is for people who wake up on time."
"Fine but don't get mad if I pass out and you have to carry me all the way back here." I just groaned.
"Ugh fine. But hurry up we really gotta go."

*y/n POV*
After Minho said I could go grab breakfast real quick, I ran back to the homestead. My eyes lit up when I saw that frypan made us blueberry muffins today, because he didn't make them often.
"Ooh yay!" I said as I grabbed one taking a huge bite.
"I see you like the muffins." Fry said as he walked in.
"Yes they're delicious thanks."
"Y/n let's go!"
"I'm coming! Bye fry." I said and I quickly shoved the rest of the muffin in my mouth and grabbed my lunch and Minho's because he seemed to have forgotten it.
I turned around and ran into someone.
"You're running late you know." Alby said.
"Thanks I didn't notice." I replied sarcastically while rolling my eyes and walking around him.
"Love ya sis." he yelled after me.
"Doesn't everyone?" I yelled back. He just shook his head while laughing and walked away.

I finally made it back to Minho and threw his lunch at his chest.
"You forgot this."
"Oh thanks."
"Yep. Now let's go. Oh and Minho?"
"Try to keep up!" I said as I sprinted off through the maze with Minho following close behind.
"Oh it is so on." he replied.
We raced through the maze for a while, still making sure to map things that we saw, but soon after we started, I started getting tired.
"Wow tired already?" Minho said cockily as he passed me.
"No I'm just saving my energy." I replied not wanting to admit it.
"For what?"
"So I can beat you on our way back, duh."
"Hm we'll see." 

After a little bit more running, we stopped and ate lunch. Minho sat down first, and then I sat down next to him. Normally we just sit and talk for a while about random things, then we head back to the glade.

Forbidden love: A Minho Maze Runner ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now