Ch. 50: I'm Not Alma!

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(Alsès' point of view, March)

"Yes Aslan, I know. I'm going to miss this place, especially swimming right under the castle." I told the lion. "I know Alsès, but you are all grown up now. Although, unlike most others you were born here and you can-"

"Alsès, wake up!" No. "Sister now." Cold. "My blanket!" I sat up in my day bed, and punched my brother. "Not! Cool! Jay!" I told him. "Owww!" He replied holding his face. "Millard Nullings is here with some children from the past, like the 1800ths, or something like that. Annabeth is with them but Mill wants you." And with that I was up. "Loca?" Shoot! I forgot that Kagay and Seth are allowed to take turns sleeping in here now. "Hey Omga, I need to go check on something okay?" I told Seth as he sat up in my bed. "I can come with you." He told me, ready to stand up. "I will howl if I need help." I reassured him. "Two seconds... That's better. Let's go. " I snapped myself into a different outfit before leaving with Jay.

My brother and I walked to were our half sister Annabeth was with Millard. "Okay, the tree actually makes sense. But how come she hasn't invited them into Camp yet?" I asked as I saw my blonde little sister, Jay shrugged. I ran through a few trees and up to her, I put my hand on her back. "Annie? Why haven't you invited them in yet?" I asked her, I got a few stairs and the redheaded ghoul caught my eye. "I don't know why, but I can't. I think you have to- What are you looking at Al?" She asked, politely snapping at me. "Come on in. I'm Alsès, this is my big brother Jay, and you have already met our little sister Annabeth." I said ignoring her, keeping a light eye on the redhead. They all introduced themselves. Diana and Minnie May Barry, sisters. Gilbert Blythe, only child. Jerry Baynard, hired boy to Green Gables. Cole Mackinze, self-made orphan. Then it was her turn. "I'm Anne with an E Shirley-Cuthbert, of Green Gables. I was an orphan but then a wonderful brother and sister took me in and now I'm a Cuthbert." She's got a mouth on her, nothing bad she just talks a lot. Also, the stairs make since now, it's their names. "Jay? What's grandma Molly's sir name?" I asked my brother. "Charn if I know! She nor mum told us." Of course you would use the one word opposite of heaven we are aloud to say. "What is 'Charn'?" Anne asked, laughing with Cole and Jerry. "It's just we learned it as another name for were Satan lives." As a Narnian, I can not lie but I can manipulate the truth a little bit. Again, I actually did not lie, I just didn't tell them the word for word truth. I started laughing then my two siblings touched me and I let them in and they joined me.

"Why are they laughing?" I heard Minnie May whisper to Cole. He crouched down to talk to her. "I don't know, but we were told that Alsès and her family are different. This might be one way." Cole stood up and asked Millard why we were laughing and if it had to do with us being different. "The children with the last name of Black are from a different world. They are from Narnia, there they have Aslan's Country and Charn. Aslan is the same as God and Jesus here in the human world, the White Witch is Satan. So if you put two and two together you would understand." The invisible boy told him. "Al, I believe that you should tell them. Miss Peregrine had a hard enough time trying to explain what we are back on the island. Also you should not have to worry about them aging forward like most of us would. Alsès? Sister? Oh for the sake of peculiardom please stop laughing Loom Luna Alsès!" Millard snapped me out of my laughter. "Sister? Sister? What do you mean sister?" I asked looking him straight in the eye. "Well why do you think you can see me?The Bird never repaired your memories about me being the younger twin of Henry and Jacob being our little brother!" He faces palmed himself. "No she never did." Jay told him putting his left hand on Millard's right suit shoulder. "Okay, well that's one way to explain it. I have to go back now. Oh Enoch says hi Al, he really misses you." And Millard was gone, leaving me with the 6 kids that stand before me bewildered. And I just realized, Jay doesn't have a shirt on.

"Wolfie, put a shirt on." I zapped a shirt on him. "Sister, please do not call me 'Wolfie' again." I was told in an embarrassed voice. They just stared laughing, and Annabeth joined in. "Bro, what am I supposed to call you? Your patronus is a wolf!" I reminded him. "Everyone calls me Hedgy and Alister Hedger because our patronuses are hedgehogs." I am not to happy with him. "Padfoot Jr., that's what I want to be called. Dad is Prongs Jr. Because of Uncle James being Prongs. Teddy is Moony Jr. because of Uncle Moony. With that said little sister, Father's name was Padfoot. So I am Padfoot Jr. as my patronus is a K9 like his." Jay is a drama queen sometimes. "Jay, Daddy was a dog, you are a Wolf." I explained slowly. "What?" Gilbert Blythe had asked speaking for the first time since he introduced himself to us. "It's a very long story that I think would either bore the littlest one to sleep, or scare her out of her wits. Plus it's just much easier to show you than tell you." I explained to the curly haired boy. "How are you supposed to show us?" He asked looking at me in confusion. "Did you guys get to see Horace's movies?" I asked him. Diana answered, "the dreams? Yes we saw those. Is that what you can do?" She asked, getting excited. "Alsès is a see-er, she can see the past, present, and the future. Alice, their eldest sister can see what decision someone makes." Annabeth chimed in. "As long as it is not a split second one, yes that is correct." I agreed.

I started to walk back to the main part of camp when I noticed that only two people were with me, not eight. "Well come on now, I believe Chiron will want to meet you. He most certainly does not want to miss you children being claimed by your ancestors." I told them, looking over my shoulder motioning for them to come. Anne ran right to my side Cole not to far behind. "What is it like being claimed? It sounds so, magical!" She said as we were walking, she almost tripped. "Careful, don't want your first memory here to be the infirmary." I said as I picked her up with a non-verbal spell. "Are you a witch? Like a real one with a pointy hat?" She asked existedly. "Yes, the hats or only used by females teachers and on the first night of school. The children arrive the day before classes start." I said having to pick her up about every five seconds. "Anne, please watch the path." Gilbert said catching up to the redhead. "Al, your ring." Annie called to me. I pulled up my left hand and I was still wearing my ring. "I'm pink!" Woops. I heard that, Chase just face palmed. "Here we are." Jay said as we stopped.

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