Ch. 39: Camp Half-blood; The Cabins

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(Author's point of view)

Everyone and everything they carried, came out the other side of the portal that Alsès had made for them to travel from Washington to New York. They were at the bottom of Half-blood Hill by the road. "We're here!" Alister and Jay said in unison and ran up to Thalia's Tree at the top of the hill, then ran back down halfway to help with the stuff. "Wingardium Leviosa" all of the older kids but Alsès said; "Locomotor" Alsès said. Zoey stared at her younger sister for a second, then started up the hill.

At the top of the hill, Alsès put a hand on Thalia's tree sighing. She remembered all the times that she had heard her story and thought about how happy she was that Thalia was alive again.

"Nyssa? Nyssa!" Alsès called to a buff, greasy ghoul. "Alsès!" The ghoul called back. Alsès ran up to Nyssa and they hugged, not letting go for a few seconds.  "How's my favorite 'satyr'?" Nyssa asked. "I've been good. How have you been?" Alsès asked her. "Satyr?" Henry asked. "That's what I forgot!" Alsès slapped her face, dragging her hand down. "Hen, it's a long story but it's mainly because of us coming from Hogwarts." Alsès told him.

"Your younger brother?" Alsès nodded to Nyssa. "Come on Blacks they're waiting for you." Nyssa gestured for them to follow her. They made their way to The Big House. "Alsès!" Clarisse and Annabeth ran to her and hugged her, accidentally making her drop her stuff and her pets. "Hey ghouls, how have you been?" Alsès asked them. They stepped back Clarisse looking down, Annabeth rubbing her neek; their old habits switched. "Al, they don't get along much anymore, not after your second quest to find Percy Jackson." Chiron told her.

"I remember, Clarisse getting mad because one of us sneezed on her by accident a day or two before we got back to camp and she was sick the next day." Alsès said aloud. Jay laughed. "It's not funny Black!" Clarisse yelled at Jay. Pointing a finger at him, he immediately shut up. "Sorry" Jay shuddered behind Alsès and Allister. "For being the older brother, you sure seem immature!" Alsès said sassing Jay.

Chiron spoke up, "Annabeth, Clarisse, Nyssa. How about you girls give the Blacks a tour of camp?" In unison, "yes Chiron!" Annabeth grabbed Al's hand. Memories of them running around when they were younger flooded both of their heads.

They made it all the way around camp, now they are looking at the cabins. "WOAH! How many cabins are there now?" Alsès asked. "I've don't even know." Clarisse answered her friend. "Cabin 6: Athena! Home sweet cabin!" Jay said going into the cabin. "Hey Malcolm! My man, what's up!?" Jay said preforming asl special hand shake with Malcolm. "Not much bro, so how long are you guys staying?" Malcolm asked. "That's the thing Malcolm, we don't know. I had a vision about a Prophecy, that why we are here but we don't know how long." Alsès told him.

"Alsès? Is that you?" A boy called to her. "Will? Will Solace, hey!" Alsès turned around to see the blonde son of Apollo. "Al, I have someone who wants to see you." Will said walking over to his cabin right across from her's. "Bascila! My baby English Basilisk! Thanks again for watching her for me." Alsès said giving Will a hug. "Not a problem! Although, I have found someone else who she can't petrify. You want to meet him?" Will asked blushing.

"No way Will! I knew you were different, but I didn't know you were- no way, you are!" Alsès almost freaked out, being a Christian she never thought one of her friends would be like that. "Okay, let's go meet your boyfriend Will. Boy I'm going to have to get used to this, just don't kiss in front of me!" Alsès half teased with that one. "Okay, I know that with you being a Christian you don't like it but thanks for being okay with it and not shunning me. I was kinda afraid you would shun me for it.

"Dude, you are one of my best friends here, I would never shun you!" Alsès hugged him again and they walked towards a cabin almost as big as The Big House. "And this cabin is?..." Alsès asked Will. "This is The Big Three cabin." Will said. "Zeus, Posidon, and Hades, or Thalia, Percy, and Hades' kids.  Not to mention Bunny is in here too." Alsès said.

"How do you do that?!" Will asked her. "I'm a Ravenclaw, I'm in Athena's cabin, and there is a sign saying the names of the big three, not to mention I know the stories about Thalia and Percy and Bunny was clamed by Zeus. Like Kagay and Raven were clamed by Apollo." Alsès basically just slapped him in the back of his head, but they laughed. That's how they worked.

Will nocked on the door, "Nico, are you in here? Oh hi Hazel." He said. "Hi Will, Nico is hiding." Hazel said pointing to a closet. "Nico, I have someone who I want you to meet." Will tried again. "I'm Alsès black, you must be Hades' daughter. It's nice to meet you." Will tried to get Nico while Alsès continued to talk to Hazel.

"Actually I'm Roman so it's Pluto, but yeah." Hazel explained. "You aren't scared of me?" She asked Alsès. "No, but I'm sure you would be scared of me if I took my ring off." Alsès told her while looking at the floor. "Show me. By the way, my brother Nico is behind you now." Hazel told her. "I can since things like that, I'm a monster. I'm a good monster though!" Alsès said shaking her hands like 'don't be afraid'. "Show us." Nico said from behind Alsès.

Alsès took the ring off of her left hand, putting it in her pocket. Her appearance changed. "Your beautiful!" Hazel said staring at Alsès. "I mean, you don't look scary at all. I like your colourful hair, is it real?"she asked. "Yes, I can control the elements. That's where the colours come from. My hair changes when I'm In the water, it's a mermaid thing." Alsès felt shy. "What are you?" Nico asked now standing beside his sister. Alsès explained what she was and how. "Have you ever been to the Underworld before?" Nico asked. "Not that I know of. Although when I was in Wonderland one time with my godsister Bunny we were attacked by the Jabberwocky. I still have the scars, so does Bun; although I wouldn't talk to her about it. Hey, why are there so many beds in here? Aren't there supposed to be like six people only?" Alsès asked.

"Chiron knows, he needs to see you soon." Will said from behind her. "Can I see your scars first, if that's okay?" Nico asked. "Sure." Alsès said pulling her shirt up to show her stomach. She had three on her left side, two on her right, and one in the middle of her lower right arm. "Oh my goodness, how are you alive?" Hazel asked. "Oh, it happened about 100 years ago when I was 20 years old." Alsès explained. "Speaking of death, during the attack I did see Aslan and I think Hades. They offered for me to go to Aslan's Country or come back to the land of the living." Alsès explained. "Alsès, may I speak to you?" Chiron asked from the door way, Alsès followed.

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