Ch. 27: And, A Hello

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A week has passed, and now it's time for me to become the new chief of the Quileute tribe of La Push Washington. "You ready chief?" Jake asked as I walked into his and Ressie's room.

"I don't know, I think so." I said as he looked at back at me in Renesmee's mirror. "Remember; 'Don't you worry child, Heaven's got a plan for you'." Jake did remind me of the song that I would sing when I thought about my father after he passed away.

Grandpa Billy gave Jake the job of bringing me to the ceremony. With that, Jake and Ressie agreed to switch cars so we got into Renesmee's little blue fiat 500 and took off. About 15 minutes later we arrived.

When we arrived, Sue and Emily took me into Grandpa Billy's house and got me ready. I was beyond nervous! When I was deemed ready, the pack was surrounding me. Emily and Sue were about a yard in front of us, Sam and Jake were right in front of me, Quil and Embry on either side of me, Jarred and Paul behind them, and behind me was Seth and Leah.

My whole family and the tribe were in lines on either side of the path. Some of the tribe's men were playing the drums. Then amongst them I saw the best drummer I know, Kagay Zabini! My best friend from Hogwarts!

As we walked down the path, everyone followed behind us. I was scared and excited. I think it's more so because Alice made the dress, and it only halfway looked traditional. Trust me, my black dress that I wore last week was way more traditional than this one!

Oh boy! We're at the fire! I hope I do okay, actually I'm praying that I do okay! "Help!" I whispered to Jake; he reached out his left hand behind Sam for me to take. I took Jake's hand but it didn't help much.

"Members of the pack, please allow our new chief to come forward." My grandfather started. "Now, would the guardian or guardians of this young lady please escort her to the other side of the fire?" He continued.

Emma (my biological mother) started to walk forward but Jake and Ginny both gave her there own signature death stare. Good thing that both Sam and Harry were there. With that, Harry and Ginny walked up to my left, and Jake stayed on my right. My godparents and my uncle walked me to the other side of the fire, my grandfather met us on the other side.

"Loom Luna Alsès Kaitlynn Black, The Valiant, High Queen of Narnia; Guardian of the Moors; Crowned Princess of Agrabah; Queen of Wonderland and Neverland; Princess of Domino and adoptive Princess Eraklyon; and Chief of Burk. Are you ready to take on a new task, as the Chief of the Quileute tribe?" My grandfather asked me as he picked up my head so I could look him in the eyes.

"Yes! I am more than willing to take on this new task with the help of my people and my loved ones, and that includes the pack!" I responded.

"Now, I must ask. Who is the one who will be taking the role of Chieftess? Although this role is usually played by the bride of the Chief, this time it will be played by the husband or future husband of the Chief." My grandfather explained.

"I will be the one to play this role, as Alsès and I have imprinted on each other." Seth said as he walked up to us. He placed his right hand on my left shoulder. "I will be chieftess!" He exclaimed proudly.

"Now my children, please kneel down so I can mark you as the new chief and chieftess." My grandfather told myself and Seth. I did as I was told, although my head was spinning from everyone screaming inside it. Boy oh boy I don't like being able to read minds at times like this!

A few moments later we were standing and everyone was clapping and the drums were playing a different tune, and then it was more than just drums.

I turned around to see mine and Zoey's friends; the Winx and Jr. Winx and the Specialists and Jr. Specialists. "Sky!" Zoey and I screamed at the same time while running towards him. Sky; my adoptive brother from Eraklyon. Also Bunny's big brother, I don't have time to explain it to you guys right now okay? Good.

"My two favorite fairys! How are you guys doing here on earth?" Sky asked. "I'm doing good big bro! How are Eraklyon and Domino doing without me?" I asked purposefully imitating Stella, my sister's best friend. "You know, it surprises me how much you act like Stella and Luna acts like Blo." Sky said right before I laughed. "Sky, I think Loom did that on purpose." Bloom told her best friend, well best friend for a guy that is.

"Guess who!" A small high pitch male's voice said. "You have four guess." This time it was a small high pitch female's voice. "Two right." Said the male again. "And two wrong." The female told us. "The pixies!" Zo and I said in unison. " luminescence, Lumnis, my brave little buddy, come here!" I told him just before he popped out of thin air. Just so you know, pixies can be boys too. "Oh, my sweet Lockett!" My sister said to her pixie as Lockett did the same as her brother.

"Loom Luna Alsès, Zoeinta Bloominescence, please come here my daughters." Our dad, Harry (Potter) called to us. Oh, the ceremony ended with the clapping and cheering when the song changed. "Coming!" I replied to him. "Bye Sky, love you big bro!" I told him. "Love you too LoLu." He replied as I walked away.

(Zoey/Bloom's point of view for a minute)

I can't believe my little sister left me alone with Sky! I have not known him as long as Al but that had never stopped me from seeing him differently than I see other guys. 'Alsès! Why do you do this to me!?' I thought hoping she would hear me. 'Love you Sissy!' She replied. How annoying!?

"Blo... Zoey, after you talk to Harry, could we talk, I mean go on a walk?" Sky took me by surprise by saying that. "Yeah, maybe. I don't know if Harry is going to need me for something or not." I told him. I ran down to Harry and Ginny but turned to wave about half way.

(Alsès' point of view)

"Who is that Al?" Ginny asked me. "Mum, that is Sky. The boy I have told you guys about, from Eraklyon. Jay, Aly and I also go to Red Fountain with him and the other Specialists. It's an all boys school, but Headmaster Saladin had made an exception for me because godfather Erendor had said that the only way he would let them go is if I was aloud to go as well. Bryan, my squire, was not to happy about me going at first but now he's cool with it." I explained, answering all the questions my parents had.

"Yes mum, yes dad? What's up?" Blo asked our parents. "We have received a notice from Alfea." Dad told us pulling a piece of paper from his pocket. "Alfea is a school for Fairies, Witches and Wizards/Warlocks, and Specialists now. The headmasters had decided that it would be for the best." Mum explained. "You should read this." Harry said handing us the paper.

"To the parents and guardians of the children of Alfea, Red Fountain, and Cloud Tower. Headmistress Faragonda, Headmaster Saladin, and headwitchtress Griffin, would like to inform you that the three main schools in Magix will now become 'Alfea is a school for Fairies, Witches and Wizards/Warlocks, and Specialists'. We do apologize for any inconvenience this might have upon our students. This school year these students will be at the former 'Alfia College for Fairies'. We hope to all of our students return and are very excited to meet all of our new students." The paper said, of course it had the signature of the Headmaster and Headmistresses.

"We can all be at one school!?" Zoey and I said in unison. Our parents laughed and nodded and we jumped up and down. A lot! Well I guess this day was quite a few hellos.

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