Ch. 31: SAY WHAT NOW!?

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Kristal and I got to the beach first. With having Star for as long as I've had her I don't have to tie her up. In fact I never did.

"Hey mum!... WOAH!" Seth Lee said trying not to fall into the water. As I stood on the beach I made a wave like hand out of the water and brought my son back to the shore, "gotcha!" I told him.

"Thanks Mummy, when I came down here with dad this morning the water was just calling me. Do you know how I could do that?" Seth Lee asked looking at me.

Being born in August they are not even three months old and they are almost as tall as me. That's not saying much, I'm only 5 feet tall, but still they are growing faster than Renesmee had grown.

After Seth got out of the car this happened. "Young man! What do you think you were doing!? Do you have any idea how much trouble you are in for just doing that, led alone if any pale faces had seen you!?" Seth yelled at his son as if it happened before if not all the time.

"Seth, sweetie, let's go talk to Billy before we do anything to either of them." I said basically admitting that Kristal had set the kitchen on fire just before he had gotten me.

"What did she do!?" Seth started shaking with anger. "All of you into the woods now! He's going to blow!" I told our new friends and my kids. "Seth, calm down. I was able to take care of it." I was shaking too now but out of fear.

I've seen him like this before, but not in years. Only shortly after he joined the pack and found out that I had been a part of it for a long time. He didn't like that I never told him about it, but this is way worse.

"What? Happened?" He asked huffing and puffing. "Kristal accidentally set the kitchen on fire, but I stopped it. It looks like nothing had happened to it. Please let's just go speak with my grandfather about what is going on." I was still shaking with fear.

He had started to calm down. He let me kiss him and he had clamed down enough to not turn into a wolf. "Okay, let's go talk to Billy." Seth said as he kissed my forehead. With that, the others came out and we all walked to Billy's.

"Alsès, it's nice to see my most mature grandchild again." My grandfather told me, as he wheeled out onto the porch. "Hi grandpa. I need to ask you something..." I said waiting for his answer. "What is it my young Chief?" He asked then our friends came around to the porch. "Alsès, I think it's best if you and your friends come inside." He said gesturing for them to come in.

Sokka had Toph get on his back so she wouldn't trip, as she can not 'see' through wood. "Why are they here!?" I could hear Billy whisper yelling at Seth. "Don't ask me, Al was working on that spell and it worked then POOF here they are!" Seth replied the same way.

"Grandfather, I have the ears of a wolf. Please stop yelling at my mate." I called to my grandfather's room. "My apologies, Billy is never like this." I told them. "What is your nationally?" Katara asked. "My grandfather is full Native American, I'm only a quarter. Why?" I explained while trying to hear what they were saying and hold back the kids.

"He just looks kinda like our dad." Sokka said. "Oh, I'm sure it's just a coincidence. But there are legends in the tribe, about a chosen one that's born as the last one dies so who knows." I mentioned.

"Hey, that sounds like how the avatar thing works! What element did you start with?" Aang asked me. "Easy, water. I'm part mermaid. Why?" I told him.

"Alsès, there is something about our tribe that you and Alistair don't know. You remember that I have a brother correct?" Billy asked coming back to the kitchen. "Yes, but what does uncle Abe have to do with any of this?" Was my response.

"I also had a sister. She died just before you were born. I never talk about her because she was special, just like you and your brother. She was what our tribe called the chosen one. When she died just before the two of you were born, I knew that you were the next chosen ones." He explained.

"But the only people in the tribe who are special are in our family! No one has abilities like our family." I told him just before I saw water come out of the tap. I looked at Katara, Aang and Seth Lee, they shook their heads no. Water formed the word "Omga" in the air!

I stood there almost screaming at him. "I've been able to control water my whole life, Leah can do it too. Most of our people can control the elements. We had to hide it from you, Alistair and the pale faces." Seth explained.

"Are we the new Avatars?" I whispered while just standing in the kitchen. Only one person had heard me. "Yes, and Aang and Katara are your (4) great grandparents. That is why I look like their father. Yes, I did hear you asking our nationally. " Billy explained.

"Our family has all four elements, that is how my sister was an airbender Avatar and Alsès and Alistair are waterbender Avatars. Al, my siblings and I had the same question. It is also how Zoey and Jay can control fire and Henry, like your fathers, can control the earth and sometimes metal." My grandfather read my mind! Well actually he read my face, but still!

"Why did nobody ever tell us? Tell me? I was destined to be Cheif, to be Alpha. Why did you hide this Seth Lobo Clearwater!?" I ended up getting mad at him. I ran out and flew off.

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