Ch. 21: Alpha Teaching Alpha

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"Well, what's next Alpha?" Jana asked. "Seth do you mind teaching her how to do the tricks that we use?" I asked him. "Sure babe." Seth said as he pulled Jana away for more training.

"When did he start calling you babe?" Jarred asked me. "The morning after we found out that we imprinted on each other." I answered. "Well, I need to talk to Blo. Wish me luck?" He asked. "Of course, good luck bro." I told him.

"Seth! Do the leaping handspring!" I told him. I just sat there occasionally telling them what moves they should do. After that I tested Jana asking her what each one was, how to do it, and what we use it for. For instance, the leaping handspring is for getting across a ditch or deep river. You are also leaping into a front handspring.

"Alsès how could you!?" Zoey asked storming out of the house then kicked me off the stairs. Don't worry, Seth caught me. "Zoeinta Bloominescence Black! How could YOU do that to your sister!? Especially after what I just told you!" Jarred yelled at her. "Jacob's going to kill you when I tell him!" Zoey said just before she ran back into the house almost crying.

Not even five minutes later Jake stormed out and Sam and Carisle were both worried and both right on his tail. "Seth how could you be so irresponsible!? Not only did Bloom tell me, Sirius did as well!" Jake below up! He pushed Seth away from Jana and me. Carisle was making sure that I was fine while Sam was trying to get Jake off of Seth.

"Jake, Seth is the father!" Sam told him. "Your niece imprinted on him, we knew that it was going to happen. Don't act like Bella did with you!" He continued. Jake was about to punch Seth in the face, but lowered his hand.  "Fine... I'm sorry Seth, please just get married to Al before you get her pregnant again." Jake told him.

"Well, I don't know how long this pregnancy will last, Al already has a bump and the child was only conceived last night." Carisle said as he examined me. "Because it is more than likely mostly wolf could the child grow faster right?" I asked. "Possible... that's odd, four feet... Seth, I think Al's having twins." Carisle continued. "Well, I guess we have to make sure that we have two names for a boy and two names for a ghoul." I told Seth.

"Sorry to interrupt but I think Jana has had enough training for today. Don't you agree Alsès?" Sam asked. "Yes, in just the couple of hours that we have worked with her she has improved a lot." I said as I was looking at Jana.

Quil and Embry greeted us when we came back in. "So is Seth still alive!?" Quil teased. "How did the training go?" Embry asked, actually showing that he cared to know. "Just so you know Quil, I'm fine! And Jana did great!" Seth answered them. "How about you Al? Blo seemed mad when Jarred had to explain that he had to break up with her to be with your daughter!" Quil laughed out. "Well, she did kick me but Seth caught me and Jarred yelled at her. Then she ran back in..." after a minute or two we all laughed.

Zoey just stared at us and growled mentally, well I think it was mentally. "Do you hear Zo growling?" I asked Jarred who was on my left hand side. "No, she doing it mentally, I think it's geared towards you Al." He told me.

I walked over to my sister Aly got up off the couch and grabbed my hand, as if to tell her 'don't touch my twin sister!'. "What do you want boyfriend stealer!?" She said as she turned away from me. "Zoey, we all knew that Jarred didn't imprint on you. We knew that he was going to find his imprint.-" I started.

"Move you stupid animals!" She yelled and our sister and my cat. "I said MOVE Snuggles!" She yelled at my cat as she kicked her.

"Come here sissy! I'll make you all better!" I told Snuggles as I picked her up. "You can heal other things but not yourself!?" Seth said standing behind us. "Yes, she had always been able to. She has gotten a lot better since we started taking 'Care Of Magical Creatures' with Haggard." Alister explained as I was still trying to heal my squirming cat.

"I remember him! Last time I saw him he was 17 but he was groundskeeper. Do you guys know what happened?" Jake asked calmer now. "His giant spider 'Aragog' was confused with the baskulas as the monster in the 'Chamber of Secrets' so he got expelled instead of Tom Riddle. As they thought Haggard had opened the chamber." I explained just like Hermione would.

"With everything calm again... can we please go do some more training?" Jana begged. "How about all of us work with you?" Carisle asked her and myself. "I'm down, as long as I'm aloud to sit down. I am more than willing to train verbally though." I told them.

All of my family and myself went outside. Jarred and Seth took turns sitting with me but I loved it when Aly had trained for me, he asked me through our twin connection what move I think would be best in that situation.

Jake worked with Alice on going wolf and vesin since we don't know which will come in handy more. Alice is a natural like Jake! I know that Alice is a crossbreed but she does have more vampire in her.

When she was about Henry's age her mother put her in an insane asylum and James the Tracker was, well, tracking her. And long story short, the groundskeeper there turned her more into a vampire, so she would have a better chance of surviving an attack from James.

I guess with what has happened, this is the way that this Alpha is going to teach the young Alpha named Jana.

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