Its a new day....

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Today was the second day at the studio I really don't want to bump into Leon he must still be shocked about yesterday. Yesterday I met these really nice girls. When I was running back home, I remembered that I forgot my cell phone at the studio and my dad will kill me if I don't have it so I went back there. When I ran in I bumped into a girl with black hair and beside her was a girl with ginger hair, they smiled at me they looked really nice. They saw the tears in my eyes and asked me if I wanted to talk, I said yes. We went in a room and I told them everything, I don't care if I don't know them I just needed to tell someone about this. When I am done I hear my phone ring I check to see who it is its my dad and he wants me home right now, they told me that from now on we're friends and that I can count on them. I was really happy to finally have friends. So that's what happened yesterday.

Today I walk in the studio and directly go to Fran and Cami which are their names. They smile big at me. but what I didn't know is that they had a surprise in store for me. "Look Violetta we didn't tell you yesterday because we forgot. But" Cami started "I am Leon's sister" "WHAT!?" I scream. They both shh me. "But yesterday I insulted him and stuff, I am sorry" I say looking down "No it's ok you were right sometimes Leon can be a jerk" she says as she smiles, I'm glad she's not mad "But I never knew Leon had a sister" I say with a questioning look on my face. She looks at Cami, "oh no more surprises please" I say and they giggle, then Fran gets all serious and tells me this "Well you see when I was born our parents had a giant fight and my dad took me to Mexico while Leon stayed here with my mom so, that's why Leon moved back 2 years ago it was to spend sometime with me and then now he had to come back so I decided to move here so I could be with him because we get along so well you see" she says "Ah ok that makes more sense" I say nodding and re thinking about what she just said "Leon never told me all theses things, I guess we weren't that close after all" I say a bit sad "No, don't say that when he came to Mexico all he talked about was you. But then he changed and became really mean and got a girlfriend they moved back here and I decided to come with them since me and Leon got along well and we didn't want to separate but he has changed a lot because of that girl you know, I really don't like her" Fran says as we see Leon and Lara walk in. They come over to us hand in hand, what I don't get is that Fran said Leon was mean but he's nice to me, this is extremely fishy.......

Never fall in love with a famous popstar {A Leonetta FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now