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It's been two days since I have gotten back with Lara and everything is going according to plan, Violetta is so jealous. She's been going out with Thomas though which is making me jealous....

I am walking to the studio with Lara, I feel like she knows about me using her but is just ignoring it. "Babe are you okay" she asks me pulling me Out of my thoughts."Yeah I'm fine" I answer fake smiling.

I see Violetta staring at us in a corner and I smirk. "Come on let's go pick on kids" Lara says evilly smirking, wow she is really scary... "I don't think we should-" she cuts me off. "Are you getting all nice caring about people" she says in a baby tone. "No" I answer sternly and she just rolls her eyes and walks away.

Wow she really does change when we enter the studio. She's really scary why am I even dating her?? I'm really stupid doing this, my goal
Is to get Violetta back not to hurt her.....

My thoughts get interrupted by someone putting a hand on my shoulder.

I turn around to see Violetta. "Violetta" I say almost in a whisper. "Hi Leon" she says smiling "You looked sad so I thought I come and cheer you up, I know we're not supposed to talk to each other but, we we're friends for a long time so I'd like it if we were like that again" she says smiling .

I smile widely "Sure!" I answer giving her a tight hug "Umm.... Leon" she says pulling away. "Oh yeah sorry" I say looking down. She laughs "Just kidding its okay" she says hugging me,

I'm so glad we're friends again. What I didn't know is that many eyes were watching us at that moment....


I know it's a bit short sorry😁

I decide to write a new book about vampires. I want to thank everyone who supported my idea, it means a lot😘

Thanks <3


Never fall in love with a famous popstar {A Leonetta FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now