Were in trouble..

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We separated from the hug and see that Lara and Thomas are watching from afar. We look at each other ignoring them and trying to clearly show were just friends. She kisses my cheeks "Bye Leon, I'm gonna go explain this to Thomas" she runs towards him while he runs away from her.

I walk over to Lara. "Look Lara I know what it look like but-" she cuts me off "We can clearly see your just friends" she says smirking, is she trying to get to me?

"Yeah" I say laughing sarcastically "I toootally love you" I say exaggerating the word totally. She fakes smiles at me "Yeah, toootally" she says in the same tone as me, "Yeah anyways bye" I say walking away....


I run after Thomas, who seems to be mad at me. He finally stops and turns around. "Violetta do you still like Leon?" He asks me with tears in his eyes. "I never said I like him in the first place" I say looking down.

"You never said so but, it obvious the way you look at him, even the way you talk to him it's not the way you look or talk to me like, and I'm sorry to have to do this, but we're through" he says and then just walks away.

He leaves me there wordless in the middle of the park..


I decided to take a walk in the park to clear my mind, suddenly I see Violetta sitting on a bench and decide Togo join her. "Hey" I say sitting down beside her. She looks up and I can see that she cried. "Are you okay" I ask worried. She smiles.

"Yeah it's just that Thomas broke up with me" she says. I feel so bad it was probably my fault. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hugged you when-". I try to say but she cuts me off. "Its not your fault" she says looking down.

"It's mine I should have never lied to him in the first place, I should have just admitted that I was dating him to make you jealous and that-" she pauses and starts blushing. " What" I say surprisingly looking at her, "You were trying to make me jealous" I ask happy. She looks at me surprised.

"I love you" she whispers while I look a her with big eyes, did I just hear right....


Hey so here you go, sorry for not updating for a while I was really busy😊


Never fall in love with a famous popstar {A Leonetta FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now