Wawa - Chapter 16

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I can't believe it. Why? Why would this be happening? Is this what they call fate? Because if it is I don't want to be part of it.

Leon... I can not believe him, why would he-

My thoughts get interrupted when I feel an arm wrap around my waist. I look back to find Thomas smiling at me. "what is going on?" he asks looking around. "I don't know, some random celebrity is visiting the studio". I answer trying to seem like I did not give a crap about what was going on. He looked at me a bit confused. "Violetta, this random celebrity must be pretty popular if so many people are getting together to get a glimpse of his face". He says in a joking tone. I look at him with soft eyes.

This is why I chose him, he was always kind and understood me. When Leon left, he was probably one of the only people that put up with me and tried to help me move on. Of course, he might of done it out of interest for me, but still I am thankful to him for doing so.

"Yeah, whatever" I say turning around to walk away, I had to get to my dance class since the bell had just rung.

It was one of the most painful days of my existence, everywhere I turned Leon was there. The locker room. the rehearsal room and somehow even the bathroom (posters of him were put up in the girls bathroom). I was just so sick of seeing everywhere I went. I tried my hardest to only think of Thomas, but sadly I could not. Only one name came to mind:

Leon... Leon... Leon

In my dreams, all I could see was him, I could remember the great times we had spent together before he had left me. I also dreamt of the future, what would have had happened if he had not left? Would we still be together? Would we have broken up anyways? These questions kept on spinning around my mind over and over again, torturing me more and more.

[The Next Day]

I walk into the studio front doors holding hands with Thomas, praying that I don't bump into him. But, of course I have never been lucky. The first person I se as I soon as I enter the studio is him. He stares at me with a cold stare that pierces through my heart. His eyes quickly soften as soon as he recognizes me, but he frowns when he sees me holding hands with Thomas.

I look away from him, I feel as if the tears will just burst out if I keep looking in his direction. "I'm getting my stuff form my locker, I'll see you in dance class" I say to Thomas before giving hin a peck on the cheek. He looks at me a bit surprised, but just goes with it. He does not realize that i'm just trying to put a show on in front of Leon. Leon looks at me from the end of the hall with a constant arrogant, cold look.

I walk into the locker room and get my stuff out of my locker, when my locker door suddenly gets slammed shut. I look up to see Leon standing there with a smirk on his face.

I continue as if nothing had happened and start to walk away when I feel his hand grab my wrist and twist me around in one swift movement. "Long time no see" he says with a smirk. I roll my eyes and try to get out of his grip. "What do you want?" I end up asking. He leans against the lockers and smiles.

"Is the answer not obvious?"

I look at him with a questioned look.

"I want...you!"
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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