He's back - Chapter 15

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"I'll give you one year." He says in a monotone voice. One year?! Is he crazy? How can I do that, its not like I am particularly talented or anything. Why is this even happening? Why me?

"Its a deal" I say without even thinking. "Ill become a famous pop star in one year, If I don't become famous by then, you can do whatever you'd like." "Alright" he says not sounding very satisfied.

"Your stage name will be L, you'll have to move to Mexico and promote there until you become known worldwide".

I look down, was that a good decision? "If you are ready please sign here" He says pointing at the contract that was on the coffee table in front of me. Is this a good idea? I'm not very sure. I don't even get to see her anymore if I sign this contract. I take the pen with a shaking hand. Is this really what I want for my future? Yes! this will take the burden of my parents shoulders, I can finally send my two little sisters to university without my parents working themselves to death.

"Alright, its a deal" I murmur quietly as I sign the contract...

{Violetta's POV}

I look at the screen as if in a trans. He was L all along. That's why he left me, to become a pop star. Is that really all his love for me amounted to? Money? Popularity? I can't believe it. How could he do this? He certainly had a motive, he was a kind person he wouldn't just do it for popularity or money. HE was kind and did things right.

I can't believe it.

I look away from the screen, no Violetta you've moved on, don't think about him anymore. He abandoned you, he didn't love you enough to stay. I'm dating Thomas now and that's all I have to think about.

Thomas... Thomas... Thomas... Leon-

No, stop. Stop thinking about that jerk.

{L's POV}

" What the hell is this?" My manager says as he throws the newspaper article at my face. I take it aggressively and look at the head line, it reads the following: "Pop Star L, has abused an old friend from Studio On Beat!", I look at my manager with a surprised look. "What the hell, this never happened I swear". He rolls his eyes.

"I don't care about what actually happened, I care about what the media thinks happened". "I haven't been to the studio in more than 5 months, how could this even be possible, how do they come up with these stories?" "I think they're trying to put dirt on your perfect reputation. Leon you have never had a scandal in the 6 months you've been a pop star, that is why you are one of the most popular artist out there."

"God dam them, what did I ever do to deserve this?" "You did not do anything, but we're going to have to fix this." he says in a serious tone, oh no what am I going to have to do. "You have to go back to the studio for a bit". I open my eyes in horror. If I go back I'd have to face her, and everyone else. My friends that I abandoned to become famous and win lots of money. How would they treat me if I went back now. They are probably still mad at me from when I left.

Her, what about her? She will probably kill me by the time I get back. I left without even a text or a word, I left her all alone like a thief or a cheater. I am certainly going to hurt her if I go back, I can't go back.

"I can't" I say in a stern tone. He looks at me with a stern look, "Leon our contract is over unless you go back" I look at him horrified. What about my siblings. What will happen to their education if I don't win money to send them to college or university.

"Fine, but I want bodyguards and I refuse to interact with the people a the Studio." "Yeah that should be fine, just take pictures and post some on your social networks to show that you're friends with the peeps at the studio and then we'll be set. You only have to stay there about one year or so, you have to go on a tour afterwards".

[The Next Day]

I walk into the Studio with confidence my bodyguards surrounding, I hear all the girls yelling and shrieking as they recognize me. I really hate this, I have to deal with my friends hatred and her hatred.

{Violetta's POV}

I hear a bunch of shrieking coming from outside the instrument room and decide to go check it out, is there some celebrity our there or what!? As I walk out the door, I see him. Our eyes cross but he looks away in an arrogant way.

Is that really him?
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Never fall in love with a famous popstar {A Leonetta FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now