Chapter 13

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I ran into the convention centre and looked around for my team. I walked around and finally noticed them, at the back. The fourth member was... America.

"No surprise, I guess. She's been wanting to join forever," I whispered to myself. I walked over slowly and tapped Bree on the shoulder.

She spun around and stared. "What... what are you doing here?"
Dani came over to hug me. "You came!"

Elijah took in my dress. "You look really nice, Lissie."

I smiled at him. I noticed there was something new between us. Maybe all these times, I hadn't been falling for Asher... but for Elijah. His adorable accent, his charm, his laugh. His friendliness.

"Thank you, but no time for compliments. I'm sorry I didn't come earlier. You lost again because of me," I hugged Dani back.

"Actually," Bree corrected me. "We didn't lose because of you. We almost lost because of you."

I gasped, "Wait? You won? We're going to the finals?"

Bree raised an eyebrow. "We made it to the finals. You quit the team, remember?

Dani started, "Bree..."

"It's okay, Dani. I deserved that. I left."

Elijah shrugged. "You came back, that's all that matters."

"I think Lissie should play. I don't think I can handle it," America piped up, grinning at me. I silently gave her a thank you glance.

Bree crossed her arms. "Fine. I guess I'm outnumbered."

10 minutes later, we were ready to beat Dixie.

"The Subsonic Cobras are now facing the Ragged Puppets in the finals. Whoo! This game will decide who wins ten thousand dollars!" the emcee announced.

The game was in silence. We all knew our moves super well so there was no need to talk. I noticed Dixie's red circle and chased after her. I clicked the mouse repeatedly and before I knew it, 'VICTORY' flashed across the screens of my team.

"No way," Bree gasped, in obvious shock. She suddenly jumped up and wrapped her arms around me in a hug. "We did it! We won!"

"Actually, it's a tie," Dixie laughed from in front of us. Her eyes were narrowed. "We collected the same number of points, at the same time."

Dani ran to the other side to see the other team's computer. "She's right. They won too. We're splitting the prize."

Bree shook hands with Dixie. "Nice one, I suppose."

"GG, Dixie," I smiled. "Really good game. Congrats."

"You too. GG," Dixie beamed at me appreciatively and turned around to celebrate with her team.

Bree, Dani, and Elijah all squeezed me into another hug. I was so glad I had decided to be my true self and to return to my genuine friends.

After all, esports are just games, but friends are there for you forever.

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