Tony (1) - A Special Place

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"Come on," Tony insisted, pulling y/n along with him as they started to drag behind and walk slower. "We're almost there."

"Where is there?" y/n asked as they allowed Tony to continue pulling them, even though they had been walking for over ten minutes through the city.

"You'll see." After a few more minutes of silence, the two finally emerged through an alley way onto a worn path in the woods to a hill where they could look out over the top of New York City. Tony let got of y/n's hand as they walked forwards.

"Where are we?" y/n let out in awe as they continued to look around and take the space in with the setting sun. 

Tony came up behind them and put his head on their shoulder, kissing their neck gently before looking out with them

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Tony came up behind them and put his head on their shoulder, kissing their neck gently before looking out with them. "This is my special place. I come here when I need to think, or clear my head, or just be alone."

"It's beautiful."

"I found it one day after one of my panic attacks after everything with New York." Y/n glanced over at him, turning to take his hand in theirs. "I'm not really sure how I found it, but I'm glad I did." He gave a small smile. "It's probably my favorite place on Earth."

"I don't blame you."

"I've never brought anyone here before," he admitted, looking back at them. "Kinda wanted to keep it my own sacred space, you know? Free from everyone else's idiocy."

"Why did you bring me here then?"

"One, my dear y/n, because you are not an idiot. And two... because I love you." Tony waited to see y/n's reaction. They had never told each other that they loved one another. They were close, best friends, sometimes friends with benefits, but they had never put a label on anything. "I know we never said-"

"I love you too," Y/n cut them off. They both broke out into smiles before Tony put his hand on y/n's cheek, pulling them in passionately as the sun set and the streets of New York City let up below, everything seeming to fall into place.

 They both broke out into smiles before Tony put his hand on y/n's cheek, pulling them in passionately as the sun set and the streets of New York City let up below, everything seeming to fall into place

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I know it's a few days late, but I'm on vacation and I cannot keep track of what day it is. Sorry! Here it is though. Hope you like it!

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