-meant to be; 7

272 19 1



~your pov~

You: "Ughh!"

I groaned and started banging my head down on my books out of frustration. I couldn't focus much.. My mind was just stuck on him. I last saw him two days ago. 

You: "Hm, I need some air."

I tapped my phone screen two times, turning it on, I checked the time.

(12:00 pm). 

It isn't that late to go out. Sighing, I took my jacket in my hand, along with phone and keys. I walked downstairs and outside, locking the door right afterwards. 

~time skip~

I walk walking around a bit far from my house, keeping my head low, taking in the fresh cold breeze, finally feeling at ease. I wasn't watching where I was going so I accidentally bumped into this guy.

I apologized and was about to leave when-

??: "Where do you think you're going?"

I looked at the guy.

You: "Excuse me?"

??: "You're coming with me."

You: "Yeah, I don't think so."

He suddenly grabbed my arm and started dragging me with him. I yanked my arm away from him, immediately kicking his neck causing him to loose his balance and fell.

 I was about to punch him but when I looked at him.. 

??: "You okay, Y/N?"

You: "Vallyk? And yes, I'm okay."

Vallyk: "Great. Now what are you doing out here late at this night?"

You: "Just wanted some fresh air."

He nodded.

Vallyk: "Wanna go somewhere?"

You: "Sure."

~time skip~

Vallyk and I were sitting in the sand of the beach, the full moon shining down on the water and us.

Vallyk "Moonlight's beautiful, isn't it?"

You: "Yeah."

Vallyk: "Is something bothering you? I mean, it isn't normal for people to come out in the middle of night, just like that."

I sighed, something has been on my mind lately.

Vallyk: "You know, he cares for you.. And I do too. He used to be straight up cold towards girls.. after his girlfriend passed."

My eyes automatically widened.

Vallyk "Until you came along.. Y/N, he's grown soft for you. Along with me.. I'm a horrible friend."

You: "Why?"

Vallyk: "Because, I like you."

Again.. my eyes widened.

Vallyk: "I've liked you for a long time now.. I brought you here to confess, the place where I dreamt of confessing to you."

I looked down at the sand and he sighed.

Vallyk: "I know I'll get rejected, I just wanted to get it off my chest. And now that you know, I can finally discard my feeling towards you. But.. you like Kobe and I think he likes you too. I'm happy for you, really."

He looked at me and flashed a warm smile. 

Vallyk: "I do have one request fr you, though."

You: "What is it?" -I looked at him.

Vallyk: "If I can't portray my love to you as your lover.. can I do it as your brother?"

I smiled and hugged him.

You: "Yeah!"

He chuckled and hugged me back as well. Not too long after, I felt something warm on my shoulder.. He's crying. 

Vallyk: "Thank you. Thank you so much for this."

I pulled away from the hug and wiped his tears.

You: "Stop crying, Vallyk. I don't like that."

He chuckled and smiled right after, wiping his tears too.

Vallyk: "Trust me, I'll take good care of you, Y/N."

You: "I know you will."

Vallyk: "Yeah. Now focus on making Kobe yours!"

I giggled at his sudden outburst.

Vallyk: "We should get you home, it's getting late."

You: "Right."

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