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Mia sat in the house that narcissa had her at and sighed. She was born and she was feeling down and alone but she knew narcissa was keeping her here to protect her and she knew it was better that she stayed her and she knew that she had to be away from the dark lord, she knew that he couldn't know where she was. 

He knew over her and Severus and she wasn't safe, he was going to kill her and she knew it and she couldn't do that not when she was pregnant. Mia looked as narcissa arrived into the room as she sat with her hand on her bump and sighed

"I wanted to see how you are darling" narcissa said as Mia looked to her and shrugged

"I'm oaky I guess. I just...I'm going out of my mind here" Mia said as narcissa looked to her and smiled

"I know darling but here is the safest place for you and I can't even tell your sister you are here, I know you are feeling down but it will be oaky. I will do whatever it takes to make the lot of you safe, your my children and you will soon realise soon. It's going to be okay" narcissa said as she placed a hand on mias cheek and smiled as she kissed the top of her head
Maya sat in the slytherin room common room and looked to narcissa

"what do you mean I can't see her she is my sister, she is alone I need to know she is okay" Maya said as narcissa looked to her and smiled

"I assure you that your sister is fine, look you can't see her the less people who know where she is the less the dark lord will torture. Only Severus and I know and your father doesn't as I don't trust him right now" narcissa said as Maya looked to her and frowned

"I won't tell anyone"

"I know but under torture it's a different matter I'm sorry Maya but for Mia you have to accept this or your sister will end up dead" narcissa said as Maya looked to her and glared

"it's not fair Snape knows where she is and gets to go and see her but I can't, she's my sister"

"and he is the father of her baby and she needs him more than she needs you right now look I know it's hard but it is how it is" narcissa said as Maya looked to her and sighed.

Maya wanted to know where her sister was and she hated how snape did and she didn't know if she was okay

Mia looked as she saw Severus as he arrived in the kitchen. She looked to him and sighed

"what are you doing here" she asked as he looked to her and smiled

"I came to see you I want to know you were okay and I wanted to tell you I am going to do all I can to look after you" he said as she looked to him and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek as he placed a hand on her bump

"it's a girl" Mia said as he looked to her and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

Mia felt herself felt into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck as he lead her to the bedroom as the kiss got more passionate as he le ad her onto the bed as she looked to him and smirked as they undressed

he pulled her close as they undressed as he ran his hands up her thighs and pulled her close as he pushed into her cussing her to moan in pleasure

Mia knew she wanted to enjoy this moment as she knew there was a war going on and it would be a long time before she could leave the house she was held up on

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