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Mia sighed to herself as she walked into the manor and smiled. She had returned for Christmas and she was glad to be home and away from hogwarts and away from snape. He was driving her mad and her head was a mess over it. She smiled as she spotted her mother who walked over and hugged her "where's father?" Mia asked as she noticed the absence of her father "he's away on business" narcissa said as Mia smiled. She knew what it meant and knew he was away on death eater work as maya and Draco walked into the room. They had arrived at the manor when everyone else left as Mia had decided to stay behind but changed her mind as snape flowed her home. Narcissa looked to Mia and frowned. She could tell that there was something going on with Mia and was concerned "what's going on Mia?"  Narcissa asked.

"She's having private lessons off of snape" Draco said as narcissa looked to her concerned as maya punched him in the rib and glared "maya , Draco, go and give us a moment" narcissa said as Mia sighed to herself. She knew it wasn't good news that narcissa wanted to speak to her alone "it's okay mother, I'm having bad dreams, haunting dreams and he is helping me get it under control" Mia said as narcissa nodded "is that all he is helping you with?" He asked as Mia frowned. It was as if narcissa knew of her and snape and that couldn't happen. Mia looked to narcissa and shock her head as she walked off as maya stood in the corner of the room "what's going on?" Narcissa asked "she's having visions of death" maya said as narcissa sighed knowing she needed to speak to Lucius. She didn't have a good feeling about this.


Narcissa walked into Mia's room and smiled as she spotted her sitting on her bed "can we walk?" "Sure" Mia said as she ran a hand through her hair as narcissa walked over and sat on the bed "when you were born there was a prophecy made about you and snape, it predicted that you would get in trouble once you turned sixteen which you almost are and that snape would be the one to save you and you would fall in love with him. I'm worried and I have been trying my best to keep you away from him" narcissa said as Mia looked to her shocked. She knew that her parents were keeping something but didn't expect this "and does he know, snape?" She asked as narcissa nodded "yes, your father warned him away" narcissa said as Mia sighed. She felt as if he was using her because of the prophecy.


Mia got back to hogwarts and walked through the dungeons. She was mad, she was livid at the fact snape had hid the prophecy from her. She walked into the potions classroom as he looked to her "miss Malfoy" "cut the crap, I know, I know about the prophecy and I know you have been using me because of it, how dare you what's gives you the right to do that?" She said as looked to her "I wasn't, I was helping you" he said as she slapped him and went to walk off as he grabbed her and pulled her to him. Her breathe hitched as he looked to her and kissed her. She went to fight back but kissed him back as he ran his hands up her thighs as they stripped off as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to groan "I hate you" she said as she tried not to moan and say the opposite.

Mia walked into the hall and frowned as she spotted manga who looked pale "what is it?" Mia asked as she took a seat opposite her sister who showed her an article over how bellatrix had escaped. Mia looked to it and sighed. They both knew that trouble was about to hit as Draco sat next to maya and smirked "did you hear dumbledore got sacked, it's great isn't it?" He said as Mia looked to him "no Draco it isn't, there's a warm coming and dumbledore gone is not a good thing" Mia said as she stood up and walked off. Little did maya and Draco know how right that she was.

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