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Mia had been staying with snape for most of the holidays. She had barely seen her family but today was different. She had been out with maya who had been staying with Sirius and Mia knew that even though maya wasn't saying anything about it like she wasn't with snape that maya had been involved with Harry while she was staying there. Mia knew that her sister was hiding something and knew her well. She always did know her well. Mia got back to snapes and frowned as she heard talking. She frowned as she heard her mothers voice and walked towards the door and listened in "I need to protect my children Severus, and that means Mia. I know about the prophecy and I don't like it but if you are the one to protect Mia, you need to prove it. Vow to it, make the unbreakable vow and look after my children" narcissa said as Mia frowned. She knew her mother was getting desperate and knew something had happened while she was away.

Mia walked up the stairs and sighed as she walked into snapes bedroom. She knew that they had been sleeping with each other any chance that they got. Snape walked into the room and looked to Mia who sighed as she crossed her arm over her chest and glared to him "the unbreakable vow?" She asked as he walked over to her and placed a hand on her her cheek and smiled "I am doing it because I care about you" he said as he leant in and kissed her. She smirked slightly as she kissed him back as pushed her back onto the bed as they began to trip as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as Mia started to worry over how things were changing.

A few weeks had past as Mia was returning to hogwarts for her Sixth year. Mia walked into the common room and smiled as she saw maya "hey" she said as she said as she walked over to her and smiled. She could tell that maya wasn't herself. She hadn't for weeks. Mia watched as maya walked off. She was quiet and Mia didn't like it. Maya wasn't maya. Mia walked off to her dorm and wrote an owl to Narcissa. She missed mother and knew if anyone could get through to maya it was her.

The following day, Mia walked into the common room and smiled as she saw Narcissa "mother, how is she?" She asked as narcissa looked to her and smiled"she says she fine, talk to her for me" she said as Mia nodded as she walked into the common room and sat next to maya "talk to me?" She said as maya looked to her and sighed "last year? After the attack at the ministry me and Harry got close" "and? You slept with him" she asked as maya nodded. Mia sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. She was pissed and felt as if Harry was using her little sister.


Later that day, Mia walked down the hall and felt her blood boil as she pulled her wand out on Harry and hexed him. He fell to the floor as she looked to him and glared "I know what you did, stay away from my sister" she spat as snape walked down the hall "miss malfoy, with me now" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes as she followed him to her classroom "what are you playing at?" He asked "revenge, malfoy style" she said as she went to walk off as he grabbed her arm and pulled her close "don't test me" he said as she smirked "what are you going to do" she said as he looked to her for a moment before he leant in and kissed her passionately. He wrapped she arms around his neck as he pushed her against the wall roughly as he ran his hands up her thighs unaware that someone had seen them...

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