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Mia sighed to herself as she got back to hogwarts. She stood by the main entrance and sighed as she glanced around the castle. It wasn't the same, it wasn't the same castle. It wasn't hogwarts. She knew that Severus now the headmaster and that things were no longer that same and it scared her. Mia knew that hogwarts was taken over by the dark lord.

She knew how Maya was still on the run with Harry Potter and how it had all changed from the previous year, Mia had made a promise to her mother that she would stay at hogwarts and finish her education. She knew that it was important to her mother that Mia kept her education up, maya hadn't returned to being with Harry and draco was a death eater and even if he was at hogwarts too he didn't care.

Mia looked to see the carrow twins as they walked over to her. She knew that they were here under the dark lords orders and that because she was a Malfoy, she knew what they thought of Lucius and that they wouldn't resist to hurt her

"the dark lord doesn't like traitors" Alecto carrow said as Mia nodded

"that's good to know" she said as she looked to see them grab their wands. Mia gripped her owns as she saw Severus

"Miss Malfoy? Come with me" he said as Mia smirked as she saw the disappointment on the carrows face

"certainly headmaster" Mia said as she followed Severus. Mia knew it had been a few weeks since they have sex at Malfoy manor, it had been the first time since he killed Dumbledore and it was still tense with them and she didn't know what was going on with them. Mia followed Severus to his office. Neither of them said a word as he turned to face her and smiled slightly

"you know I'd do anything to protect you but you need to keep out of their way" he said as Mia nodded. He walked over to her and smiled as he placed her hand on her cheek. He looked into her blue eyes and smiled. He could see how much she was hurting "we will find a ya,I promise" he said as he kissed the top of one he head

"you said you loved me?" Mia said as Severus nodded

"I did"

"Did you mean it" Mia asked Severus nodded

"I did" he said as Mia smiled

"I love you too" she said as he leant in and brushed his lips against hers. It was a small yet passionate kiss. Severus knew he'd do anything he could to keep her safe

Mia frowned to herself as she sat by the black lake. She was trying to keep it of trouble which was harder when the carrows seemed to be after her. She saw someone sit next to her as she saw narcissa


"I need to talk to you over mets, you know this was my spot to sit when I was here" narcissa said as Mia looked to her and frowned "really?"

"Yeah I enjoyed the piece, I know you are going through a lot but I am here for you Mia and I know that the carrows are after you because of your father but you can handle it and I know Severus will look after you, I wouldn't of let you come back here if I didn't think that you were safe" narcissa said "you said something over maya?" Mia asked as narcissa looked to her and sighed

"I did, it's not good. The death eaters are after her. They think that she had betrayed the dark led by falling in love, I am doing all I can to keep you safe" narcissa said as Mia frowned.

She felt the tears in her eyes. She was scared. She was scared that her sister was going to end up killed. She was scared and only hoped that maya was safe wherever she was

Mia walked down the hallway and frowned as she realised that she was surrounded by the carrow twins. She frowned as she realised that she was backed against the wall. She gripped her wand in her hand. She wasn't scared. She knew one thing if she was with Severus it taught her not to be scared

"miss Malfoy" Severus called as she sighed to herself in relieve. She was grateful he had come to her rescue. She walked over to him as the carrows walked off. He grabbed her arm as he pulled her close and smiled

"are you okay"

"thanks to you I am" she said as he lead her to his office. They walked in as they looked to each theory for a moment before he leant in and kissed her. Mia kissed him back as they started to undress each other. He head her to his desk as he cleared it and pushed her onto it.

He got between her legs and pulled him close causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her. Severus knew he'd do anything to protect Mia and keep her safe but could he protect her from the dark lord

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